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Jan 27, 2010
I remember playing in the backyard. There was a sandbox where we built cities and sometimes it was another planet. There was a flat stump that was our table and we'd discuss important business. There were a lot of anthills and we'd leave peach pits beside them with some flesh left on the pits and watch what would happen with that. We were in charge of a lot of things and there were NO GIRLS ALLOWED!
I remember snowball fights (not the kind bread has now). I was throwing rocks at my buddy who was in a tree fort. He dropped a shingle on my face and i ended up in the hospital. another time he made a large wooden volleyball pole fall on my head. I ended up in the hospital. another time he dropped a small log out of another fort and I looked up right as it hit me in the face and broke my nose. I ended up in the hospital. I remember jumping off of a cliff at a construction site and breaking my wrist. I ended up in the hospital. I was swimming in the pool with my one buddy and he threw one of those large pool sticks high in the air and it came down and hit me in the eye. No hospital for that. another time my buddy sprayed some of that bug spray that is very condensed and is more like a stream of liquid. It hit me in the eye. No hospital.

They are 2 of my best friends. Childhood was great I miss it.
I was lucky enough to remain relatively injury free in childhood. We were always playing sports and I remember running headfirst into a tree which was the goalline for our mini-football game. I was going top speed too - running a fly route and looking back for the pass - BOOF!!! But no hospitalization was required. I have always had a very hard head.

We had a lot of fistfights but I guess no one was dangerous enough to seriously injure anyone else - and then we would be back playing sports in no time.

I broke my leg skiing when I was 13 but that was grade 9 and I think of it as post-childhood.
Yes of course. Did you not have a childhood plommer?
Thanks for asking, pal.

Yes I did have a childhood, I was a little runt of a kid and got picked on quite a bit until I beefed up around 15yrs old and the bullies lost interest in me.

Toronto was a GREAT place to be a kid, I have fond memories of my childhood days in the big city.
I remember bottle rocket fights, and B-B gun wars...
I remember my brother taking the shot outta of shotgun shells and taping a marble onto the primer, throw it in the air and BOOM when it hits the concrete...
I remember shoving an ice pick inside of a Blackcat ( firework) to try and get the powder out and it blowing up in my hand..
I remember climbing a tree , falling , getting my foot stuck b/t branches and hanging upside down helplessly until the mailman came by and got me out of the tree...
I am in a strange mood today as I think about childhood. There was the total innocence of it as I tried to capture in post #1. But things become jaded.

You go from putting peach pits beside anthills and watching with fascination as they are systematically consumed by the colony. Next thing you know, you are stomping on the anthills and pouring various liquids into them and watching as they are systematically rebuilt. Then comes the magnifying glass.

And on and on it deteriorates until somehow you end up the guy in that link fischy posted.
Do you really or are you being facetious?
I'm being 100% serious, Toronto was a great place to be a kid in the 1970's and 80's.

I grew up in Rexdale, BEFORE the Jamaicans started all the gun bullshit.

Rexdale was Italian & British, with some Germans and other Europeans mixed in for good measure.