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Carnivore only diet...

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Three and a half weeks in...


112kg with a full stomach and jeans

Have had one cheat meal this past 3 and a half weeks. That being pizza and I regret every succulent bite because the next morning the night before was not a pleasurable experience both physically and mentally speaking.

Keeping calories under 2000 per day with only good carbs was, in the beginning, difficult to adjust to but so worth the extra time and effort.

If bloods come back ok then will definitely continue this level of dietary intake and nutrition.

Appreciate you guys following me here and the encouragement you give to keep going.

Looking forward to giving final results in the coming days 👍👍
Better late than never...

Firstly, a huge thankyou to those who've followed me during this experiment. It's been a eye-opening experience in which I've learnt alot.

Physical results after approx 1 month of a (mostly) carnivore diet. Please excuse the apt cover-ups 😊


Final weight:

The first two weeks were probably the roughest of my body as it readjusted to zero processed sugar and carbs. When the body goes through ketosis it feels as though your inside is burning up and you do lack a bit of energy. However, once the body had readjusted I noticed my ability to smell became much more acute. Also had much more energy and improved alterness to my surroundings.

I must say these improvements to my health have been pretty awesome and for me it's illustrated the degree of intoxication we place our bodies under when we eat processed foods. Yes, it's difficult to eat clean (esp when snacking), but with a little focus and discipline one can achieve pretty much anything...

Mentally has been fantastic provided I ate clean. Besides that cheat meal with the pizza it's like as I've regulated my body to eat clean so to has my mind. I'm assuming thats where the improved sense of clarity has come from. There aren't too many truer sayings than healthy body healthy mind...

I'm going to keep this up but start adding oats with a bit more rice and maybe add pumpkin and sweet potatoes, just for assurances that I'm meeting daily vitamin and mineral requirements.

Again, thanks to those who followed me through this experience. In conclusion It's been almost all positive and if anyone should take anything from this I'd hope it be that taking personal responsibility really is the key to achieving a higher level of personal and life satisfaction. I know it seems basic but it's something that's been largely lost in today's world...

Any questions I'm all ears 👊
Good job brother!! You looking to lean up or build bulk?
Cheers Casper.

Looking to slim down for sure but naturally carry muscle being from my younger days when I'd lift alot of weights in the gym for years on end, hence why my weight hasn't moved much but the waistline certainly has 👍👍

Looking to get down to a 34" waistline and weight around 104kg or approx 235lbs. For someone my height that would be quite healthy...