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Can somebody please explain to me how Orange man bad is racist???

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Omar has a 9% approval rating amongst constituents in her own district.

9 FUKKIN %!!!

Always On Crack has a approval rating of just over 20% in her own district.

Does Bernie have such a low rating or any of those other white members (seeing as the argument is apparently about the colour of their skin after all 🤦)...

What about kamlaa Harris or tulsi gabbard or Andrew yang? Oh, their approval ratings in their own districts are actually doing well. Why could that be?

Think about that from a strategy viewpoint. Why wouldn't you want to use weak polling numbers as a political weapon if you're Donald Trump?

So they have a different skin colour. What's your point? Sick and tired of people being trained to give singular simple explanations to complex problems.

Claim racist all you want but the people you'd be claiming racism towards would be the liberals who voted her in.

And to end, I'll leave this here...
The left of politics has become a disgusting fascistic cesspool. At least the people on the right pull their nut jobs into line when required. Where's the democrats disavowing acts of terrorism??

Xpy you're intellectually loopholing this shit and you know it. I bet when you get pulled over for going twice the speed limit you ask the cop when's the last time his radar was calibrated.

You're conveniently taking a string of words at face value instead of looking at the whole context. Trump will never tell a white American to go back to their ancestors' motherland. That is the crux of the matter.
When the cop asks me how fast I was going I say that I was looking at the road so wasn't aware of my speed. That's commonsense because I know that whatever I say can and will potentially be used against me.

If you had a approval at work of 9% amongst your coworkers how would you expect to be treated? Think about what would lead to you having a approval rating within the company of 9% to begin with... You'd have have to have messed up pretty bad for that to happen, or you could simply have resting bitch face, in which case my condolences...

Now, Omar has a approval rating of 9% within her own district that voted for her. Why do you think that could be? Are 91% of the district that voted for her now racist??

Matty, start thinking beyond race and colour mate. Trump does and he's a master at business and political strategy.

A racist he is not...
Did Trump actually say go back to your country or go back to where you came from. Saying that can denote go back to your state and clean up your own mess. That’s how I perceived it.
This is the tweet (read from bottom up)...

He said to go back, fix your own countries then come back and show us how you did it...

From a independent pov how is that racist?
Meanwhile, anyone that supports the 4 psychopaths (when you can't denounce terrorism within your own ideology that's pretty much what you've become at this point) of the democratic party could now be considered a terrorist sympathizer...

Yay, the socialist left aren't the only ones that can play identity politics. Still, all of this was never about the truth. It's about power...
Orange man bad's approval numbers have actually increased since this entire episode began, up to 45%, his 2nd highest ever.

He may be a ignorant douchebag but you know what he does do? Help normie families put food on their dinner tables and keep them in work.

People like the fact that he's not tolerating the nonsense of the woke identitarian set. After all, intersectionalism at its very core is designed to deconstruct, meaning destroy and these crazy whackaloons to whom some of us pander to offer no alternative that's better than what we currently have. It was never about truth, only power.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" - Thomas Jefferson
Ha ha. Looks like Trump wins again. Apparently Mueller didn't even write his report, and the "investigation " was all an obvious sleaze operation by some very unsophisticated cretins who saw their undeserving status threatened. ...of course it's hard to say who's really getting played by whom, but they sure are making Trump look good.
Ha ha. Looks like Trump wins again. Apparently Mueller didn't even write his report, and the "investigation " was all an obvious sleaze operation by some very unsophisticated cretins who saw their undeserving status threatened. ...of course it's hard to say who's really getting played by whom, but they sure are making Trump look good.
Beginning to think the DNC has been a GOP plant to help Trump win 😏
Trump did lie though.

He said Americans would get sick of winning....

You think his supporters are sick of winning?

He's also a master of keeping the democrats off message, keeping them focussed on Russia instead of developing sound policy positions.
Beginning to think the DNC has been a GOP plant to help Trump win 😏
something like that is possible. I'm thinking more of a ploy by certain segment of elites to discredit forces that resist the total robbery of the public (the actual left), by mixing them in with the retarded pseudo left, corporate Dems and identity politics anti Trumpsters.
Apparently Mueller didn't even write his report, and the "investigation " was all an obvious sleaze operation by some very unsophisticated cretins who saw their undeserving status threatened. ...of course it's hard to say who's really getting played by whom, but they sure are making Trump look good.

The investigation has resulted in indictments and convictions of a bunch of sleazebags. So, it has not been a total waste of time.
Why are you such a liar? 90 months imprisonment is not two weeks. Nor is six months.
And not a single indictment directly related to collusion. Instead, it's a bunch of tax evasion charges etc stemming from 10 years ago. What a win...

Forgive me if i take light the opinion of someone whose party they seemingly align with openly sympathizes with acts of terrorism and who is also openly anti semitic...

Clean your own house out before telling others to clean there's pal...
Who cares if it’s 2 weeks?

And if it was actually only 2 weeks it’s because it’s the first time that asshole got indicted so the sentencing is lighter.
Don't you think that the two weeks correlates with the severity of the crime he was charged with??

2 weeks...Whats even the point of sending someone to jail at that stage (unless it's for political grand standing??).

Meanwhile, trump just keeps on winning, with the ruling from the supreme court that he can allocate military budget to build the wall...

Y'all need to stop watching the MSNBC's, NBC's and CNN's of the world whose full blown TDS is doing more to divide people than any president could...