i went into NYC Friday night and went out with my best-best friend JL and the guy she's dating (let's call him T). We went to a few different bars and lounges, it was fun. Got drunk, took a hit of E, went to another bar, went back to T's apartment and I fell asleep on the couch, this was around 5:30am. I woke up around 6:30am to roll over and see JL and T humping on the bed (studio apartment) but my head was pounding so I just rolled back over and didn't care. Then around 11am JL had to go to work, so she woke me up and I went back to her apartment uptown and slept for a few hours, then got up, shook it off, took some advil, and went out for coffee. Then later that evening I met up with
Yes, Blitty and I met. We went out in the east village to this fun little spanish style place, it was really fun. Then we went to a screening of Kevin Smith's Red State at Radio City Music Hall. I'm sure Blitty will post more about the movie. It was very good, I was surprised. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. Kevin Smith was there and introduced the film, then did a talk back with some of the cast afterward. Here's info on the movie:
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0873886/. It was a very nice evening. Blitty is a very cool guy, and I really enjoyed meeting him. This was my first GL real life meeting, and he didn't turn out to be a scary crazy stalker, or some crazed internet sex fiend.

He is a cool, nice and fun guy. It makes me look forward to meeting the rest of you some day (hopefully soon).
After the movie I had to meet up with JL since I had her keys, so I said goodnight to Bitty and I went back to T's apartment to meet JL and we drank some beers, and watched The Hangover (since we all could slightly relate). Then we went to the bar across the street for "white russians", we had been talking about them and got a craving. Then went to JL's and went to bed.
On Sunday I met a friend for brunch, then I had theatre tickets. I saw Angels in America (my all time favorite play). It's in two parts, so I saw the first play at 2pm and the second play at 7:30pm. All in all it was 7 hours of theatre. I know to most of you that sounds horiffic, but to me it was wonderful. Though 7 hours, even for me, is a bit much, the show was so fabulous that I just adored every moment of it. Got out around 11:30pm and drove back to NJ. Was home at 12:15, on gamelive by 12:30. (cheers to you boys (and girls) ).
That was my weekend, by CaliGirl.