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I've read other stories/reports/studies that say the same thing. I don't disagree. But using anecdotal evidence it APPEARS that with regard to crime and/or dealing with the police African Americans make very bad decisions at a much greater (disproportionate) rate than other races.

The REALITY for people just going about their lives is that African Americans are definitely more likely to be a criminal threat to them than non African Americans.

I'm not going to get into another big thing here. I know everyone is pretty set in their ways.

My point is simply that the CAUSES of black crime and violence and all that are based on social and economic issues, not race. Genetically speaking there is virtually no difference among races. If the system was changed to systematically oppress and target Asians or whites or whoever else, they'd be the "blacks" of that simulation.

If you believe that negative flaws are inherent to race, that's pretty much textbook racism.
I'm a polite racist.

I'm a lot of other things too. Like sometimes I'll base an opinion or come to reasoning based on someone's age or gender or size or smell or hair color or intelligence or mood etc etc etc. Its what humans do.

Yes, we are all inherently racist. It is indeed what humans do. Our brains lump people in groups for convenience.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't always be striving to grow and be better.

See someone in a hoodie walking your way? Yeah, be alert. See a rando in the grocery store that's a different race? Maybe try to resist the urge to lump him or her into a convenient racial stereotype.

Or don't. Do whatever makes you happy.
Dave I don't disagree with you. I guess I'm just not great at conveying my thought in a way that illustrates how I see things.

Do I think black people are criminal because they are black? No, but blacks commit crimes at a higher rate than other races, which makes the common denominator race and not socio-economics.

The way the media reports things makes it seem like mentioning race is bad just because it is. My belief is that very little will change and for me personally its a selfish decision to not care as I'm not black and black issues in Canada are a tiny fraction of what they are stateside.

I'm all for any race/creed/colour improving their lot in life. I'd just prefer watching from the sidelines.
During this whole COVID lockdown thing weren't you criticizing people for being sheep and not doing anything? These guys are in position to make a massive statement with peaceful protest and they are doing just that. Not sure how our most anti-establishment poster tells people to just "stfu and conform".
I'm doing the opposite of telling them to conform. I'm all for people standing their ground and fighting for their rights. What these guys are doing in both cases the covid stupidity and here, is conforming to a group think narrative, and going with whatever is politically correct. I have no respect for mob mentality like this.
I'm curious what or who it is they're fighting. So these players (and who knows how they got this idea) boycott the game. The league of course, fully supports their brave decision.( the corporations/power structures are the good guys too). So let's see who is the bad guy exactly?
Must be some redneck farmer, who's not woke enough right? And he needs these athletes, trained in philosophy an geo-politics to teach him.
Yes, we are all inherently racist. It is indeed what humans do. Our brains lump people in groups for convenience.

This doesn't mean we shouldn't always be striving to grow and be better.

See someone in a hoodie walking your way? Yeah, be alert. See a rando in the grocery store that's a different race? Maybe try to resist the urge to lump him or her into a convenient racial stereotype.

Or don't. Do whatever makes you happy.
I wouldn't say racist. That's where the story goes off the rails already. Yes we prejudge things. We have to. And yes we even have a certain comfort with the familiar, especially those things we're exposed to at an early age.
We've been living under an imperialist racist system for centuries, and that's where the problems stem from. Imo it is idiotic to blame some individuals for not being up to date with the latest sensitivity training, while actively supporting the system.
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How many Asians have been killed by the cops in America recently? Wait wut? None? JFC how did they manage that?

There are approximately 17.3 million Asian Americans in the United States (U.S.), representing 5.6% of the U.S. population yet only approximately 1.5% of the prison population is Asian. How is that possible? We need to lock up more Asians because everything has to be proportionate right?
Of the 1.5% of Asian inmates locked up I'd wager very few are there for shoving a gun in the face of a 7/11 cashier for the $20 in the till.

Maybe Asians just aren't as prone to violence/criminality as their African American counterparts? I dunno.

Most serial killers are white men. Its just the way it is. This all sounds very racist, and also very true.
And this is where things are going. They aren't going to do anything to actually help Blacks. There's not really any benefit to that. But what they can do is criminalize some pseudo racist acts and incarcerate more people longer.
That Kamala(not Ugandan Giant) has been pushing some anti-lynching legislation. Chee, I wonder what that will accomplish for her corporate prison doners?
what they can do is criminalize some pseudo racist acts

there's an anti-racism law in Brazil with about 20 articles, most of them are anti-discriminatory such as a business can't deny service base on color or ethnicity and other obvious ones, but the last article says "can't practice, induce or incite discrimination or prejudice of race, color, ethnicity or national origin in general", this last article can send you to jail if for example you scream to someone in a supermarket parking lot "hey fucking nigger" or "stupid mexican", it also applies to online, posting such things in Brazil you will be breaking the law

the last two instance of this law I saw in the news was a little black boy was kicked out of a supermarket by the security guard because he thought the boy asking for money when the mother had sent him to buy something while she waited in the car, and the other was an old man was told to wear a mask and the old man started screaming racist things back, security guard and anti mask guy both got hit with this law
Dave I don't disagree with you. I guess I'm just not great at conveying my thought in a way that illustrates how I see things.

Do I think black people are criminal because they are black? No, but blacks commit crimes at a higher rate than other races, which makes the common denominator race and not socio-economics.

The way the media reports things makes it seem like mentioning race is bad just because it is. My belief is that very little will change and for me personally its a selfish decision to not care as I'm not black and black issues in Canada are a tiny fraction of what they are stateside.

I'm all for any race/creed/colour improving their lot in life. I'd just prefer watching from the sidelines.

This is my point though. You are hand picking the racial element. The REASONS blacks commit more crimes include systematic racism in a system designed to keep people of color down. NOT because they are black. If black families didn't have to deal with racial stereotyping, bad education systems in their communities, more difficulty getting jobs, lower wages, etc etc, less of them would resort to crime. Their circumstances are the driving force behind the crime rates, not their skin color.

That's fine you want to stay on the sidelines as indeed the plight of the African American man in the USA doesn't affect your life as a white man in Canada at all. But you can still grow as a person by studying the cause leading to the effect instead of looking at the effect as proof of the cause.
there's an anti-racism law in Brazil with about 20 articles, most of them are anti-discriminatory such as a business can't deny service base on color or ethnicity and other obvious ones, but the last article says "can't practice, induce or incite discrimination or prejudice of race, color, ethnicity or national origin in general", this last article can send you to jail if for example you scream to someone in a supermarket parking lot "hey fucking nigger" or "stupid mexican", it also applies to online, posting such things in Brazil you will be breaking the law

the last two instance of this law I saw in the news was a little black boy was kicked out of a supermarket by the security guard because he thought the boy asking for money when the mother had sent him to buy something while she waited in the car, and the other was an old man was told to wear a mask and the old man started screaming racist things back, security guard and anti mask guy both got hit with this law
Yeah that sounds awful. Don't want that kind of world
This is my point though. You are hand picking the racial element. The REASONS blacks commit more crimes include systematic racism in a system designed to keep people of color down. NOT because they are black. If black families didn't have to deal with racial stereotyping, bad education systems in their communities, more difficulty getting jobs, lower wages, etc etc, less of them would resort to crime. Their circumstances are the driving force behind the crime rates, not their skin color.

That's fine you want to stay on the sidelines as indeed the plight of the African American man in the USA doesn't affect your life as a white man in Canada at all. But you can still grow as a person by studying the cause leading to the effect instead of looking at the effect as proof of the cause.
you're right in that the root cause is the conditions and history that lead to degradation of the black communities.
If these pricks wanna help they need to provide decent living conditions for the people. I mean it's easy for those of us who live comfortably away from the mess to look down on some say white individual who has to actually deal with these pricks.
San Francisco

