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Okay so let me get this straight, eight woman have come forward and said he did things to them without consent. These allegations and there details are pretty harsh. Some are beyond rough sex, some even sound like assault. Now why wouldn't any of these women go to the police at all. Because some of these details sound like assault or even rape.

Now what we do in the bedroom is no ones business, and everyone has their little quirks they like his is obviously rough sex. But for some they talk about being pushed up a against a wall and choked and then she gave him oral just so she could leave??!! Did any of these woman just say no and leave, or did they not enjoy a certain facet of his sexual desires. A lot of things happen in the heat of sex, especially when it happens for the first time with someone and there will be likes and dislikes such as pulling hair, spanking, biting etc. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its assault.

The way these woman describe this as he didn't give them consent baffles me because sex is an intimate moment that shared in that moment. You don't preplan it by describing what said person can and cannot do in bed. Thats what hookers do, they say what they are and are not into. I don't know all the facts, I doubt anyone ever will be this is starting to sound like a witch hunt.
I bet Billy Bob Thornton is feelng a bit affirmed.

Referring to Jian Ghomeshi, the host of CBC Radio's Q, as an "a--hole," the Oscar-winning actor turned musician interrupted his band's set three songs in to give his side of the story.
Mudcat....I'm thinking you could tweak The Devil just a bit.

"And when he's mad
he don't take no attitude
and he don't have to...


Would have been more apropos a few days ago when the public was siding with him I guess.
Yeah if they're discontinued they'll be obsolete to the mainstream soon and less suspicious. Well played. I have a few, sometimes I like to have them face away from each other and film each other for a chuckle about how much smarter I am than them.