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We are all assholes here, some better at it than others but everyone of here loves to take shots at others. Some do it tongue and cheek while others are more brutal with it. It can at times become a competition to see who can levy the most insulting or at least the funniest blow.

Sometimes it gets taken too far and even if it is JUST a message board or even if these are JUST e-friends sometimes it crosses a line. Being an asshole doesn't mean you can't realize when you have crossed a line or taken something too far and being an asshole doesn't mean you can't be the bigger man/woman and own the mistake.
It's called bustin balls. Any of my male friends gets in a relationship and suddenly starts staying at home more, doing the girl thing, not partying as much...I bust their balls.

Amby is no different.

Fuck I'm not even going to try to explain this to anyone rationally anymore. Anyone upset over this is a chump. Plain and simple.

I've always said I'm only here for the pussy. I just had no idea I was surrounded by them.

Sorry, but you don't get off that easy. Bustin' balls is something you do when it's just you and your boys in the room, I know because I do a lot of it myself. Doing it in public where it has a high likelihood of getting back to the object of your scorn is just petulant and uncouth. You wanted everyone to know that you were pissed that AMBy would rather go to bed early with DG than party with you, we get it. If it was just comedy to you it wouldn't have lasted for months, and certainly not past the point where AMBy & Co. made it obvious that it was offensive. If you're gonna be pissed about something Bread, at least have the stones to own it.
Wow this is getting dug up again?

I was a total douche both on here and at home by being very untruthful. Robyn and others expressed their disgust and subsequently accepted my apologies (Robyn and Matty if I'm not mistaken).

I don't see anything productive about rehashing that particular event.
I hesitate to insert myself in this discussion again, (who am I kidding, I was waiting for an opening :-D) but you had a little obsession with Daft going on yourself, Robyn. I still don't claim to understand the details, but it appeared on the outside that you felt being dishonest to you, both on the forum and in person, was something of a capital offense. Personally, I didn't care one way or the other, Daft was a good poster before those shenanigans and he remains just as good today. How he chooses to run his life and how he integrates it with his posting is solely his business; we can laugh when it's funny and cry when it's tragic if we choose, but there's a slippery slope involved when you start expecting too much of simple posters on a message board.

I find it much easier to support Chris' side of this because he's advocating everybody minding their own business. When Jello had an unpleasant time around you and Bread and subsequently "left," I think he set a good example for us all. The way you guys chose to express your displeasure with Aaron and his lady I found to be in very poor taste and I still fail to see where you felt entitled to criticize at all. If you expect your friends to value your wishes over their significant others, then I think you're being unrealistic. I didn't see any instance where Aaron or DG threw down the gauntlet, and yet it was obvious and immediate that you guys felt insulted in some way and simply weren't able to keep it to yourselves.

Chris is no saint, nor am I, neither is anyone here. We're all guilty of something, but it should never be so petty as having gone to bed early a couple times. If you really need to get it out of your system, give the guy an infraction, but there were months of jabs and subtle disrespect involved here that were wholly incompatible with the circle jerk.

I beg to differ RS. Tomato is somewhat of a saint. :scholar::bros:
I don't know that I could assign a level of 'badness' to the jabs and tacit insults I saw headed AMBy's way from both of them, but I do know that I wouldn't tolerate it anymore than he did. I'm not privy to anything that was said in person or on the phone, my commentary is based solely on what I saw here. I was offended on his behalf just when they made that chained smiley into :amby:, why did it have to go even that far? As we get older we all have to deal with friends who don't put us first anymore because their life has gotten more complicated; to expect them to continue to put us first is just narcissistic. You either accept that things have changed or you write them off, simple as that.

You might want to take a bit of your own advice here, my eloquently spoken friend.

RS, MF, Amby...let me put it plain and simple for you. I just do not give a fuck about this. I do not care if Amby is upset at me or if he left or if MF has his teeny little panties in a wad.

I do not care.

Now, you can sit there and call me a cancer and say the board will never grow and insult me and Robyn and whatever you like to do.

But I really hope you are hearing me on this. I do not care.

I'm just here for the pussies.
I was offended on his behalf just when they made that chained smiley into :amby:, why did it have to go even that far?

RS, just my thought, but this so laughable. With the crap that gets thrown around forums in general, this is so weak. AMBy I guess falls under the sensitive men category in Shari's thread?

Kato's right, look at his smilie. How many smilies are flattering anyway? Just in AMBy's case, this one might have some validity to it which IMO is having DG chirp in AMBy's ear bout it. Very mild ballbreaking from my experiences!
Just a thought:

If somebody I didn't care about left my social gathering prematurely, I would quietly thank my lucky stars and never mention it again. Did you stop caring when AMBy left at 10PM or when people started calling you out on making such a huge production about it?
Ok, this is just getting hilarious.

Scholar, please refer to what Reno said. That perfectly explains my fleeting frustration with Daft. And I have since apologized to him for even caring in the first place. I am now of the school of thought that I don't give a fuck what any of you do in your private life.

As for anything with jello, I love jello. Still talk to him quite frequently. Not sure why I was even mentioned here.

With Amby, the jabs all started out in good fun and became more shtick than anything. At least that's the way I saw it. But then he started posting again just to point out how lame things were or to pick on certain people for no reason. That's when it became pretty tiresome to me. I really don't care if he posts pictures of Mrs. X looking like a methhead. She can stick up for herself. It was his asshole attitude that irritated me.

If you are siding with Chris in that people need to mind their business (lol, we are posting in a message board, so that's a little difficult to do), you kind of just broke that rule by giving your two cents.

*hugs, always*
RS, just my thought, but this so laughable. With the crap that gets thrown around forums in general, this is so weak. AMBy I guess falls under the sensitive men category in Shari's thread?

Kato's right, look at his smilie. How many smilies are flattering anyway? Just in AMBy's case, this one might have some validity to it which IMO is having DG chirp in AMBy's ear bout it. Very mild ballbreaking from my experiences!
I'm glad I gave you a laugh then, MrMonkey. You guys are very talented as a group of getting the non circle-jerkers to GTFO, so I'm sure you won't have to put up with the "weakness" much longer. Te saluto.

Yeah. What Matty said.

hahaha...these long winded posts from people not even involved in the big scheme of this thread are cracking me the fuck up... monkey and bread are both hard headed fucks and nothing anyone here says is going to make .0000000001% of an impact on the way they feel about each other. save yourselves from the carpel tunnel boys and just let them do their thing.