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Bread - have you seen the movie Bad Lieutenant, Port of Call New Orleans?

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Keep your ear open for the way his voice changes. He starts out just sounding like Nicolas Cage but there is a transformation. It is so gradual I don't think I would have even noticed except towards the end my gf suddenly said, "Is it just me or is he starting to sound like Jimmy Stewart?"

It wasn't just her. The Bad Lieutenant morphs into Jimmy Stewart from hell.

I thought the same thing from one clip to the other in your link. What the fuck is wrong with his voice in the second part?
Random news I just read. This guy gets better and better.

Pharoah Cage

Forget buying castles to live in. Nicolas Cage has bought a fancy concrete pyramid, but this time he’ll take up permanent residency … when he’s dead.

Cage recently had a 9-foot tall pyramid-shaped super-tomb built in a New Orleans cemetery, according to TMZ. It’s unclear why Cage chose a pyramid*shaped building — but it’s prob*ably no coincidence that there is a pyramid-shaped symbol on the poster for his classic film, National Treasure.
Saw this yesterday, but I was doing spring cleaning and was in and out of the living room and not paying too close attention.... I liked the twisted downward spiral of chaos and depravity, and Eva Mendes is always nice eye candy..... i'm not sure if I missed somthing, but in the end does he get cleaned up and go "good" again?
NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This doesn't send a strong enough anti-drug message.

Just say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't start!
Resist temptation!
Be stronger than peer pressure!
Experimentation is BAD!
Think thongs not bongs!
Fish, I was a kid and I really didn't pay attention to politics but her message resinated from within. I was the dopey kid in high school that was telling all my classmates to just say no and driving their asses home when they couldn't.

A movie like this does two seperate things and neither accomplishes anything. Those that use/like/or merely have experienced drugs see that even with all the progressions of his usage in the end his life worked out. Those of us that either have never used/are opposed/or have long since realized and recovered from usage see all the damage that his drug use caused.

On a side note, while I have never been a serious Cage fan there have been at least a couple of movies I thought he was ok in, this however might have been the worst acting performance of all time by all involved. Course if I were high while watching it might make for more enjoyment I guess. But thanks for the link anyways Bread, saved me my $1 RedBox rental fee.

Remember boys and girls, it takes a stronger person to take a stand against. Don't be weak, take your stand today, Just Say No!

No more preaching now. I had my fun.