Hooligans Sportsbook

Bitcoin-based online gambling

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Thought that was only related to ICO's brosef??

Part of me thinking this is good from a '95% of all coins are scams and of that 95% of those left will eventually fail anyway' perspective.

Waiting for YouTube to do the same though they are much bigger whores to the $$$.

With enough pressure from the 1% can eventually can see YT banning anything to do with anything related to crypto.

AA number of the top guys already onto this and hit up steemit anyway..
Looking at some of these current prices...

Monero 210
Nano 8.80
IOTA 1.10 (even though it is a shit coin)
Dash under 500

Farq... Cheap as chips... Or seemingly so...

During the cycles between one halvening to another in bitcoin, the prices actually fluctuates on average 80% between the peak at the top and the low of the bottom, which means we could be in for 4k or possibly even lower here...

Time will tell, though there's still a way to go until we flush out all the scared money that still resides in the current market...
That's disgusting and I see the angle there RJ but that's kinda like saying that if you have access to the internet then technically you have access to child pornography. Therefore should we shutoff the internet??

If the US dollar wasn't such a shitty tool of financial propogation when compared to crypto then would agree with you RJ but crypto has now become something that can't be stopped and governments know this. They also know its another avenue for tax revenue and nothing talks louder to a government than finding ways to increase the size of their coffers...

Now lets stop stressing, go outside and have a government backed cigarette 😉
In addition RJ I'd say that bitcoin transactions are actually easier to track than normal bank transactions due to transparency of the blockchain. This tells me that those pieces of shit who use blockchain to exploit children either have no clue as to what they're doing or they do know what they're doing and simply have no regard to the consequences of their actions.

I'm sure the 3 letter agencies were onto these scum long before the report came out anyway.. .
For those of us who have taken defensive positions over the past few months by utilizing shorts on their positions have made solid gains...

Anyone else noticing people getting out of their over leveraged assets and liquidating them into Fiat, thus proving yet again that (as faulty as it is) cash truly is king??

Don't be surprised if we see a 3k btc price in the not too distant future. Nobody likes to hear it but given the balance of probabilities this is a real potential outcome...

Kerp putting down those shorts 😎
this weekend there was a mostly negative piece on Bitcoin in Brazil's top Sunday news magazine show, like the ABC Four Corners of Brazil
State owned bank of Chile also looking to cut ties with crypto:


Kazakhstan's central bank also wanting to ban all crypto...


Crypto getting smashed from all angles presently. Yet somehow it will survive...