Haha you guys are great.
Noted on the marraige saving $ comments.
Robyn I can tel you are not doing "troubles" in this scenario and that your intentions are pure, and you might have a good point. There are a lot of complicated issues to this situation that I might post when/if I have the time and the time to converse about them. It's tough, and I am quite Jekyl/Hyde right now which is to be expected - 1 moment pissed as hell for the whole situation and never wanting got speak to her again and on the other hand wanting to keep the ring around etc. just because it seems nuts to end an 8 year relationship over this crap. I am noticing my mood is shifting to being insulted to by the whole situation....well I'll cover that when I post the whole thing which I think I will try to do soon just to keep things accurate.
As for returning it to the original store, not sure because it is a retail chain "Gordon's" that has policies they strictly uphold; for instance when I first bought the ring there was only an "extended warranty" on it with which went for 1 year which I paid $100 for, and when I found out 6 months later they started offering a lifetime warranty for $50 more I had to go all the way up to corporate to get them to let me get that for just the $50 more instead of putting down a whole new $150; based on this I would think bringing it right back to the store wouldn't go well.
Of note, USA lost, so, fuck her for that too :cougarbait: