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Bands you despise

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Who the hell hates Tool?

I actually can't wait for their next album. I've seen them live numerous times. I don't know how the song 10,000 days and Wings for Marie (about Maynard's mother - they're essentially one song together) doesn't hit someone emotionally. That shit still gets to me even though I've heard it 1000+ times.
Despise? The first thing that came to mind for me was Creed. I don't even know if they are still a band, but I remember them from a time in the past and I despised them

Many bands I dislike. Many I think are over-rated. Creed is the only one coming to mind that I despised.
It's usually the vocalist who sends me over the edge of sanity. I simply can.not.stand. Chris Cornell. I want to tear my eyeballs from their sockets every time I hear his voice.

I liked early Soundgarden. The stuff with Audioslave made me want to buy a bus ticket to a place with a lot of small seals.
haha, daffy, what did Tiesto do that pissed you off? guy has some sick music...

Kanye is a huge fucking racist nigger cocksucker...i would wait till he burnt to ashes before calling the fire dept. if he were burning...he should have been a cum stain

like some hard rock, but the really hard shit where they just blare the music loud as possible and scream shit you cant understand, gets turned off in the car faster than a girl being hit on by bobby sandals
Can't believe I missed Creed. There first record used to be listenable but Scott Stapp's overall doughebaggery turned the suck level way up on them. Daft I understand all about pitch control in a studio...I've recorded in one. Auto-Tune is just something that only works (for me) with bands like The Faint or She Wants Revenge.
Daft, don't question cougar on studio shit. He'll bury you.

bands/artists I despise.... hmmm

poop shovel
argyle socks
horse in the sea
uncle kracker
3rd eye blind
lil wayne
just about any country star that crosses over
jason mraz
Faith no More
right said fred
haha, daffy, what did Tiesto do that pissed you off? guy has some sick music...

Kanye is a huge fucking racist nigger cocksucker...i would wait till he burnt to ashes before calling the fire dept. if he were burning...he should have been a cum stain

like some hard rock, but the really hard shit where they just blare the music loud as possible and scream shit you cant understand, gets turned off in the car faster than a girl being hit on by bobby sandals

:lmao: fucking great. And yes, I'll go with Poison.

Does Robyn like Motorhead???
my 5th and 6th grade basketball team used to make our way onto the court for layup drills with "Kickstart my Heart" it got us going, and seemed to intimidate the other parochial schools that weren't used to music during warmups.....