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pally do you facebook stalk your ex-GF?

yes of course have I mentioned that before??? I'm not sure if I have

Basically, I never even knew if she was on facebook, because I couldn't find her on there, and she is also one of those people who never has profiles like that. She never had a myspace page, never had a friendster page, none of that

She was not one to take part in frivolity, she was very very well-behaved and well-intentioned and disciplined. Not one of these people making a ton of noise all the time, just very cerebral and honorable.

So anyway yeah I tried to find her on facebook, and never could. But, I did manage to find her husband on there. She would never even ever tell me his name, she would just refer to him as "my Australian friend". But I found out his first name when one of our mutual friends mentioned it. Not that it was a secret, but it was just funny when he said it, I had no idea who he was talking about, until I pieced it together. And then I found out his last name, because she took his last name, and in the email where she told me she got married to him, which was our last communication ever, almost 3 years ago, she sent it from her new email address, which had his last name in it.

So I searched for that on facebook and found him, I knew it was him when I saw a bunch of her friends in his friends list.

For a long time his profile was private and I couldnt see anything in it. But, one of those times when facebook switched their privacy controls, I could suddenly see parts of his "wall", and read references to their life together. I read his wall as far back as it went, looking for anything I could find on there. Eventually he changed his privacy settings, and now I can't see his wall anymore.

I did also of course check all the facebook profiles of our mutual friends from back in the day. I am not friends with any of them on facebook now. All of their profiles are of course private.

But there is one girl who for some reason has some pics up that I can see, and I went through them all, and lo and behold, there were 2 of my ex-GF in there. She looks beautiful, I am happy for her, she was naturally given to melancholy, and I am pretty sure that living with that guy where they live now, she is having as happy a life as she could have had, probably.