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Attention Mr.X: Question about Burning Man

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I'd love to go to BM with Ray and Daffy and sneak up on Mr X like WUDUP BROSEF!! And smash miller lites or wtvr fancy beers they drink over our heads and grab every hot ass that walks by and be all like WHAT BRODACIOUS FREEDOM SELF EXPRESSION!


Anyway, I don't know if I ever mentioned this here but I don't listen to House music anymore.

As soon as the term "Electronic Dance Music" was coined I fuckin bailed.

2005-2011 was a lot of fun and I heard a lot of good music during those 6 years.

God Bless Us All, everyone
Been to 5 here regionally. Never seen any physical fights. The last year I went with Robyn someone out of the blue pushed me to my limits. (I know you guys will think I did something, but nope. Robyn as witness)

And I kept saying to myself, I'm NOT gonna be the first guy to get in a fight at a burn event. I'm just not. And I didn't. Anywhere else it was necessary.

Next day he apologized and gave me a fancy beer. I made the right call.

Good on ya. Same thing happened at the regional here with a couple of my weird friends antagonizing this ptsding ex-something or other. Lots of whiskey involved. It was crazy intense, I thought someone was going to get murdered, but by the next day they were best of friends.

Mr X what is the craziest sexual thing you've seen at BM not including yourself. I've heard stories.

I'm bad at answering that question, it's all crazy. I'll stick with my answer from earlier in the thread. Also, that time a guy fell from the head of the big coyote sculpture I was sitting on. Can't believe he didn't die.
Daffy's band changed my life.

I'm being silly of course but it wasn't too shabby. I liked it.

What were they called again?

Northern Mars

Everything I've ever recorded was recorded in Boots' fathers studio (before Jordan was known as Boots)

Check out Boots video "Motorcycle Jesus". I like the last 5 min the best.
I'm ready.
