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Ask Oksana A Question

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Oksana I noticed you posted that post at 1211 PM my time and when I noticed it my computer read 1209 PM. I've had people 1 minute ahead before but never 2, and if you view this from a percentile standpoint that makes you 200% ahead of me and most others and 100% ahead of anyone else.

I've suggested it before randomly, but I do have a tendency of mentioning things like that that seem to be or to come true.

So, enough beating around the hypothetical bush and I'll just ask. Oksana, are you from the future?
Do you really have an MBA?

Yes and while I still think it's all a big scam, I'm convinced it's the main thing that encouraged my boss at my other place of employment to hire me so I guess it was worth it. Wouldn't really recommend it though.

if u didn't work there anymore. how much would u post at sbr now? how much tv time a day does your child get on avg? do u like scavenger hunts? what is ur fav memory of one? what country has the best night sky?

Probably the same amount if not a bit more. Hard to post now as some like to try to look for hidden meanings behind what I say even if none exist.

Maybe 2hrs if not less. He usually just watches as he's getting ready to have a nap. Asian news, rap and Lady Gaga videos and the Wiggles are his favourites.

love scavenger hunts - our suburb back home used to put one on every summer. But my favourite was one we did in LA for a battered women's charity. I can't remember the name of the company who set it up but they do it worldwide and it was awesome. So hard but it made you think creatively and venture to parts of the city that you might not have otherwise. Love using my brain like that.

Northern Canada/Norway/Australia. Anywhere close to the Poles. Stars feel like you can reach out and touch them. Never appreciated it much living back home but I really do now.
Oksana I noticed you posted that post at 1211 PM my time and when I noticed it my computer read 1209 PM. I've had people 1 minute ahead before but never 2, and if you view this from a percentile standpoint that makes you 200% ahead of me and most others and 100% ahead of anyone else.

I've suggested it before randomly, but I do have a tendency of mentioning things like that that seem to be or to come true.

So, enough beating around the hypothetical bush and I'll just ask. Oksana, are you from the future?

Bread - I'll need to look for those. Need all the weapons I can get. Guy tries to bury me on a daily basis.

Appreciate my dear if you could e-mail a photo of yourself to me? TY kindly! :hattip:

google+ darling :)

So, enough beating around the hypothetical bush and I'll just ask. Oksana, are you from the future?

I'm starting to believe that I indeed am

If your baby would have been a girl what would have been her name?

I found out I was having a boy quite early. But I was tossing up either Isabelle, Charlotte or Ava Marie. His father had the choice of his name once we found out it was a boy.
what are ur favorite fruits. when was the last time u skyped with opie? will u buy a netti pot?

watermelon, cherries and mandarin oranges

have never skyped with him - only email

no, the teapot worked just fine

do u do kegal exercise?

constantly. I like the way they feel. I've been doing them since I was a kid. Used to be really paranoid about peeing in public bathrooms so I'd stop and start peeing based on toilet flushes and the tap being turned on.
oksana my dear.

who was your first love?

who broke your heart?

whose heart did you break?

seth is adorable. who does he look like (mum or dickhead)?

what is your favorite thing about gamelive?

what needs to change?

how deep is your love?


oksana my dear.

who was your first love?

who broke your heart?

whose heart did you break?

seth is adorable. who does he look like (mum or dickhead)?

what is your favorite thing about gamelive?

what needs to change?

how deep is your love?



*****Wakky style post... sorry

A guy from my hometown I started dating when I was 20. Very high and low relationship with a lot bad shit going on but a lot of good too. Would get back with him in a second if we lived in the same place but he's in Toronto now and I'm not sure if nostalgia is just clouding my mind. We still talk all the time though. I broke up with him laying in bed in a hotel room in Minneapolis on the morning Princess Di died. We got back together awhile after for a short time but it was never the same again. :sad:

The guy I was with in Florida. That's the only time I really was close to nutso. He wanted me to be a stay at home nothing (weren't married, didn't have any kids) and because I didn't agree to that, he dumped me. He also stole my dog and lived in my house until just recently as if nothing else I could trust him as a renter. I'm not proud of that time in my life at all. That's what I was trying to steer Cali away from a few weeks ago.

I've broken a few more than I had any right to do. Not in a snotty way. I just was lucky enough to be with really great guys and I treated them like shit once my mind clicked off. Very ashamed of that.

My son looks like me. A little less now that he's getting older. Up until about 12mths old he looked so much like my mother that I was a bit scared but it was good too. He has a few of his dad's facial expressions and his nose though.

I love that everyone has their place here. We're all a bit strange really but somehow everyone just fits together. Even when people argue, mainly everyone moves on quite quickly. I also like that I can get involved in deep discussions here and people know their shit about a lot of things, not just gambling. And that the MF's, durito's and Reno's will share their knowledge with me here more openly than at SBR. I love both places; they just fill different needs of mine I guess.

Nothing needs to change. I used to think that so and so should be banned or obvious trolls kicked very quickly but really they make their way out on their own. My only real worry is that when people go make threads about GL over at SBR (that fucking crackerjack Eggnog made another one today) that more and more people will just come here as voyeurs and that ruins my idea that this is just a small place with only us posting here. I can handle that though.

Deeper by the day. It's true - things get better as you get older. I'm a very blessed woman.
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what are your thoughts on the fibonacci sequence and golden ratio and how it relates to all of nature?

fibonacci: I've never eaten rabbits and that's all I've got :dunno:

golden ratio: one of my ex's has this tattooed on his upper bicep

i also saw a doco about the golden ratio in italy talking about how artists strive for it somehow

way over my head i think but still enjoyable
What a great thread about one of my favorite people and one of the most interesting people I have ever seen on the boards. You have lived such an interesting life Oksana, you really should write a book or keep a blog on all your travels.

The part about the geisha just seals the deal, if you ever put on a kimono and try out the geisha/courtesan life, count Breaddy myself, Kato and Rogie as your first customers, men would gladly pay for the pleasure of your company, what a interesting and glamorous woman you are, even with the unfortunate incident with the snorting of the pasta, LOL, you live a very glamorous life.

I wish you would start a blog on all your travels.

I know you sort of mentioned you worked with the film or publishing industry , I think, do you ever plan on getting back into that line of work? Are you a film buff?