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Ask Oksana A Question

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do you go to grocery store everyday for what you'll eat that day?
if so why not just buy in bulk once a week or every couple weeks?

I'd give my left nut to be able to cook some of that stuff you decribed.
we have a rotating menu of:
some kind of chicken (smoked/baked/fried) and veggies
steak and taters and veggies
cubed steak and veggies
and might throw a chicken pot pie in the rotation somewhere
do you go to grocery store everyday for what you'll eat that day?
if so why not just buy in bulk once a week or every couple weeks?

yeah I go most days

I never know what I'll feel like eating and I hate letting things go to waste which I used to do a lot. The whole defrost things the day before just hasn't worked since I've had my son. I'd take something out the night before and then the next day would be crazy so I'd be too exhausted to even feel like eating dinner, let alone cook whatever it was.

Green prawns?

I don't think theyre supposed to be green.

haha, green = raw, not frozen or defrosted
dear oksana-

it seems that you hurt blitty. why is blitty hurt?



Kato, someone told Oksy that I emailed pictures of dead babies to her and that I shouldn't be trusted for various reasons.

As you can imagine I am fairly annoyed that she would believe that there would be any truth in that.

Does that seem like something I would do?
Kato, someone told Oksy that I emailed pictures of dead babies to her and that I shouldn't be trusted for various reasons.

As you can imagine I am fairly annoyed that she would believe that there would be any truth in that.

Does that seem like something I would do?


that is not something you would do at all.
hmmm sounds like a made up rumor.... Blitty wouldn't do that.... where would he find the time??? between banging broads and prank phone calling hookers.

maybe a pre-emptive bash cock block strike from a Jealous sbr poster....

whomever did it is pretty dastardly.... Ox, needs to spend more time being a single mother and NOT looking at pictures of dead babies.... sheeshuzus
286851]Kato, someone told Oksy that I emailed pictures of dead babies to her and that I shouldn't be trusted for various reasons.

As you can imagine I am fairly annoyed that she would believe that there would be any truth in that.

Does that seem like something I would do?[/QUOTE]

Can you imagine I'm fairly annoyed that you can't seem to discuss things with people one on one? Ever? And that you take everything to forums whenever you have your knickers in a knot? I said everything was fine. The issue was dead or so I thought. Instead, here we are yet again... So Blitty: Do YOU think people can change?

Osky, this week on the Discovery Channel its Shark week!! I have heard & seen Australia a lot. Have you seen a shark there? How about the shark nets they use?

Ooooohhh - Shark Week!!!!!!!! I've never seen a shark whilst swimming thankfully although I've been at the beach when they've closed it down due to a shark being spotted close to shore. The beach with the most shark attacks ever is actually the one in Florida that I used to go to regularly. For some reason I never knew that fact when I was living there but they like to talk about it here often when we've had another shark attack and people are panicking. Shark nets I'm a bit torn on. They're not used at the beaches I go to here but they are at a beach in New South Wales that I've spent quite a bit of time at. Before having a kid I thought they were inhumane but now as I've heard of how close to shore some of these sharks get, I'm almost 50/50 on the issue.

What do you think?