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Ask Cali

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Cali, your naivete is refreshing, pal.

Enjoy your twenties - time flies, next thing you know you'll be a 40 something broad that wished she had fucked more as a young'un.

Rubyn,Teela, or Nina, can confirm this.
2: What is the most charitable or socially beneficial thing you have done to date in your life?
I went to Tanzania Africa for 3 months in 2008 and volunteered as an english teacher and helped educate the community about AIDs and Malaria. I can post pics of this if evidence is needed.

That is cool. I would be interested in pics. Not because I want evidence but just because it is interesting.
Plommer the only true test is for Cali to do me and for me to do her. I would be willing to take one for the team but my money says Cali doesn't have the same GameLive spirit.

Plommer I'm down for my colors.

Wal I don't think it has much to do with gamelive spirit, pal.

She just doesn't fukk every guy she meets, for whatever reason.

Wal, you should masturbate before you go online and post responses to the gamelive broads, blowing a load beforehand will make you uninterested in women while online.

Try it and let us know how it goes.

PS: THis is how Mudcat does it.