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Ask Cali

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Feb 1, 2010
Ok so here are some of my questions for GameLives newest member. Honestly I wont cover everything so I hope others will join in with their own.

Some questions are light and others go much deeper. Some will be about life in general and still others will focus on a more sexual nature.

1: Much has been commented about why someone like yourself would wander into and stay in a gambling (technically at least) forum. Which of the following best answers that question?
(A) You think being a gambling site there will undoubtedly be some well to do guy here whom will want a Dime-Piece for the occasional get-a-way?
(B) Youve evaluated the members here and see an opportunity to capitalize on some of the nerd potential in your future endeavor of becoming one of those pay for webcam services?
(C) Youve assessed the surroundings and determined with your looks this site will adequately fulfill your deepest desire to be the focal point of attention?

2: What is the most charitable or socially beneficial thing you have done to date in your life?

3: Have you had or do you plan to have a threesome and was/will said threesome be Male Male Female or Female Male Female?

4: You said you were the youngest of 3 girls and the tendency is that you were spoiled. Was that the case and have you since learned that has had an effect on you to this day?

5: Length or girth?

6: You said you lost your virginity at 14 was it a good or bad experience?

7: Do you more want to become more like your mom or your dad?

8: Do you think you will make a better parent or spouse someday?

9: Have you ever been sexual with another woman?

10: Obviously you have developed some refined traits but put in a different environment how would you adapt? Could you bait your own hook?

11: Is there a sextape/s of you out there?
1: Much has been commented about why someone like yourself would wander into and stay in a gambling (technically at least) forum. Which of the following best answers that question?
(A) You think being a gambling site there will undoubtedly be some well to do guy here whom will want a Dime-Piece for the occasional get-a-way?
(B) You’ve evaluated the members here and see an opportunity to capitalize on some of the nerd potential in your future endeavor of becoming one of those pay for webcam services?
(C) You’ve assessed the surroundings and determined with your looks this site will adequately fulfill your deepest desire to be the focal point of attention?
neither A B or C, however A sounds great! B sounds good too, but I don't think I'd webcam myself for a fee. and C, it's not about being the focal point (I dont feel that I am), it's about having a fun internet distraction. I'm bored with Facebook, and I seem to have a bit of free time (or time I make free) to post on here. and you guys rock my world.

2: What is the most charitable or socially beneficial thing you have done to date in your life?
I went to Tanzania Africa for 3 months in 2008 and volunteered as an english teacher and helped educate the community about AIDs and Malaria. I can post pics of this if evidence is needed.

3: Have you had or do you plan to have a threesome and was/will said threesome be Male Male Female or Female Male Female?
i have had F-F-M 3-somes, three times. Never been with M-M-F, but it's slightly intriguing (and slightly really intimidating). I've always been the one asked to join, never the one in the couple.

4: You said you were the youngest of 3 girls and the tendency is that you were spoiled. Was that the case and have you since learned that has had an effect on you to this day?
yes i'm a bit spoiled i suppose according to some. however I am very independent as an adult. Here's the little story: my dad married a woman, and they had 2 girls. they got divorced (because she is a lesbian) and then he married my mom and they had me. My half sisters grew up with their mom, and I grew up with my mom and our dad. So I grew up like an only child.

5: Length or girth?
Both! but if i had to chose i would want half and half. a 8 inch cock with a 1 inch diameter would be like fucking a pencil. a 3 inch cock with a 3 inch diameter would be like fucking, i dont know, a tennis ball. both are not enjoyable i'm sure

6: You said you lost your virginity at 14 was it a good or bad experience?
actually i was 15, freshman year of highschool, I was in cheerleading practice for Frosh Cheer and through that I met the varsity football quarterback. we started dating and every day after practice we would go back to his house and make out and fool around before his parents got home from work. he would ask, daily, "are you ready yet?" and I'd say no. then one day something clicked in my head and i said yes... i think i was just bored with saying no. so we had sex, it lasted like 2 minutes at best, felt weird, to this day he had the smallest penis i've ever seen. then it was over, and he flushed the condom down the toilet and it over flowed. okay so then 2 weeks later he broke up with me stating he "got what he wanted from me" and that was it. then he did that to 4 other freshman. my next boyfriend was in college while I was in HS and we dated for almost 3 years. so it worked out well i guess all considered

7: Do you more want to become more like your mom or your dad?
a mix of the two. but i don't want to be either. love them dearly, but no.

8: Do you think you will make a better parent or spouse someday?
spouse!!! i'm too selfish at this point to be a parent and i'm not a fan of kids. but i know that will change. but I would be an awesome spouse.

9: Have you ever been sexual with another woman?

10: Obviously you have developed some refined traits but put in a different environment how would you adapt? Could you bait your own hook?
i have lived in 7 states and moved 11 times. I think i'm pretty adaptable. yes I can bait a hook, but i can never get the fish to bite.

11: Is there a sextape/s of you out there?
yup, a few. but none are public, they only exsist is personal/private collections.
Impressed that you took the time to offer answers to all of the questions, a wee bit non-committal on some but you did put forth a solid effort.

One thought though, what makes you think the fact that you being selfish makes for a better spouse. Agree it would make for a terrible parent but same could be said for being a spouse too. A spouse/lover should want to please their mate but not feel obligated to do so. A selfish personality would make for a very one-sided relationship and your mate someone of rather low self-esteem.
Impressed that you took the time to offer answers to all of the questions, a wee bit non-committal on some but you did put forth a solid effort.

One thought though, what makes you think the fact that you being selfish makes for a better spouse. Agree it would make for a terrible parent but same could be said for being a spouse too. A spouse/lover should want to please their mate but not feel obligated to do so. A selfish personality would make for a very one-sided relationship and your mate someone of rather low self-esteem.

too selish for kids - i like my alone time. this makes me a good spouse b/c i dont need to be around my partner all the time, we can lead our own lives.
i am a very very generous lover and partner in a relationship
i totally didnt mean the selfish thign to be related to spouse, just annoying kids. i want to be able to jump in the car and go away for a spontanious long weekend of sex with my spouse. if you have kids, you can't do that. (as an example). that is why i am too selfish for kids, but a great spouse.