Hooligans Sportsbook

American Idol Season 9 **Top 24 SPOILERS**

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Without the official announcement of Michael Lynche being dq'd, he will remain on the Insider's list.

Take notes people, my contest starts next week with a bang of points right out of the gate.

I guess bread will pick the white hispanic chick over the balck one if she is hot enough. Who cares if she can sing. Have her lose the eye shaddow, and wear tighter shirts all season.
I will place a thread in this forum sometime either tonight or by the latest, Tuesday night. The first week I will be looking for 2 chick and 2 dudes to get the boot, as well as 2 other contestants that you think will be hanging on to the end to become the eventual winner. Later tonight hopefully, if I get my free turbo tax deal done, I will post a visual thing that shows how the scoring will go since some of yous have not wanted to read the rules. The visual thing follows a mock results scenario and how it effects a participant in this contest. Hopefully it will help resolve any questions as to the scoring process.