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Twelve males advanced from the Hollywood round to battle it out to be the Season 9 winner of American Idol. Two males will be eliminated tomorrow night, but after countless dreadful performances, only two deserve to move on.

Lets just cut right to the chase. For the most part, the guys this season are forgettable. It is pretty much a given at this point that a female will win it all.
Todrick Hall
Since You Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson
[Robyn] Call me crazy, but if I were a 13 year old girl into electronic voice and Kelly Clarkson music, I would have been very excited. I kind of get an arrogant Kanye vibe from Todrick and I secretly like it. I was pretty shocked by the comments from the judges panel. They are constantly expressing their desire to hear a singer venture outside of the box and make a song their own. But in Todricks case, it was as if he were committing a mortal sin. Someone needs to remind these people that sending mixed signals to the contestants is not a wise decision. Sure, the arrangement was a bit odd, but it wasnt as terrible as they made it out to be.
[JB] Crazy R&B arrangement, fingerless gloves. I'm not sure what Todrick was thinking coming out here with this abortion of a performance and look. His singing was all over the place and not what I would expect from someone at this point in the competition. Todrick is gone.
Simon: You came over as a dancer that tried to sing. You murdered the original song.
Kara: You are a performer and you took a risk.
Ellen: You're a great performer. Chorus was rough.
Randy: It didn't even sound like the same song. It was completely obliterated.
Aaron Kelly
Here Comes Goodbye by Rascal Flatts
[Robyn] Ladies and gentlemen, we have our country singer. While only 16 years old, he has pretty decent vocals. He will stick around for a while but unless he warms up a bit more on stage, he wont make it past the Top 10.
[JB] At sixteen years old, he's one of the youngest contestants in the competition. Overall a decent performance and will appeal to the middle-American voters. He appeared quite likable, but looked a little out of his element. To be Idol material, he's going to have to gain some confidence. Safe tonight.
Simon: You look embarrassed to be here. You'll be here next week.
Kara: You have no idea how great your raw, natural talent is.
Ellen: You're just going to get better and better and better.
Randy: You have a huge voice. I'm a big fan.
Jermaine Sellers
Get Here by Oleta Adams
[Robyn] This was the guy who called out the band during the Hollywood round for messing with his arrangement. Strike one. And then he goes and sings one of the most overdone American Idol/karaoke songs ever, Get Here. Strike two. There were worse performances of the evening, so his Strike three may not be for another week or so, but it will happen. I dont see Jermaine making the Top 12.
[JB] WHY? Why would anyone pick this song for American Idol? How many times do we have to hear it? Pitchy, dawg. If he had as much singing talent as he had ego, he'd win. And seriously Jermaine... a coat with tails? On the short list to get the boot.
Simon: It sounded as if you were screaming. You've totally blown your opportunity.
Kara: It felt a little old to me.
Ellen: You were pushing a little too much.
Randy: It's an older song. You were trying to do to much with this song.
Tim Urban
Apologize by OneRepublic
[Robyn] They couldnt find a better replacement for Justin Guarini guy? Really? I hated absolutely everything about his performance.
[JB] Tim Urban has a circa 1972 Joe Namath haircut. He was originally cut, but brought back after another contestant, Chris Golightly, was disqualified. He was fine in the lower register, but couldn't hit the high notes with a ten foot pole. His saving grace may be his looks with the young girls. It worked for Sanjaya, but I anticipate this young man going back to Texas soon.
Simon: We made the right decision the first time around sending you home.
Kara: The music overpowered you... it swallowed you up.
Ellen: You couldn't hit those high notes.
Randy: It was the wrong song. None of it worked.
Joe Munoz
You and I Both by Jason Mraz
[Robyn] I have absolutely no clue how to make the squiggly over Joes last name. Help? Vocally, he isnt terrible, but with the whole terrorist scarf thing he had going on, he looked and sounded much better suited as a performer in an off-Off Broadway version of Rent.
[JB] Who let Fez in the competition? He came across as very confident, but there was nothing about the performance that jumped out at me. I didn't realize it was so cold in Hollywood that a scarf was needed. Not likely to stay long, may be going home tomorrow.
Simon: It was an ok, safe, forgettable performance.
Kara: You were up front and center. You've been the best so far.
Ellen: Great stage presence
Randy: You've got a great voice. You did a great job, dawg
Tyler Grady
American Woman by The Guess Who
[Robyn] This guy is flat out creepy. Watching him perform is like seeing the second coming of Season 4s Constantine Maroulis. When he stepped out on stage in his leather goodies, I heard the entire nation of Constantine fans collectively shriek in pure joy. I think I even felt the earth rattle a bit (inside joke). Please, American Idol, please let this fool stick around a few more weeks. I need a good LOL to brighten my day.
[JB] I felt like I was watching a rerun of Life on Mars. Lenny Kravitz did an awesome cover of this a couple of years ago, but this performance had none of the style of the original or Kravits'. Luckily for him, he has a career modeling for American Apparel. Overall the performance was more about him prancing around and posing than showing any musical talent.
Simon: People are going to remember that performance... maybe for the wrong reason.
Kara: (I was interrupted by being fed chicken nuggets and smiley fries. Better than anything she would have said anyway.) [All judge commentary is compliments of Joey B, not Robynhence the idiot reference yesterday. I, Robyn, happen to greatly admire Kara and feel she brings an enormous amount of validity to the show.]
Ellen: You're lacking charisma.
Randy: You need to be an original
Lee Dewyze
Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
[JB] Lee looks like the love child of Eddie Vedder and Danny Gokey... but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Musically, he's never going to be a great technical singer, but if he sticks to the rock genre, he will continue. The question for me is whether or not there will be enough voters for a rock singer to make the final 4.
[Robyn] I let JB go before me because my notes referenced Lee Dewyze as having Eddie Vedder disease. Guy cant sustain a note without instantly going flat. Snow Patrol is one of my all-time favorite bands and I wasnt very impressed with his butchering of the song. I am curious though if Simon was even paying attention at this point because he actually liked this guy.
Simon: I thought this was the best performance of the night.
Kara: You made the song unrecognizable.
Ellen: I thought that was a good song choice except when you started screaming.
Randy: I didn't like the song for you.
John Park
God Bless the Child by Billie Holiday
[Robyn] I was so excited to hear this song. And then he started singing. Borrrrrrring.
[JB] God Bless the Child is one of my favorite Billie Holiday songs. For some reason... Maybe because he's ASIAN, it didn't quite gel for me. His voice is very good, but this was absolutely the wrong choice and came across as a lounge act, or worse, a Japanese karaoke bar.
Simon: You haven't got an incredible voice. It was kind of a pointless performance.
Kara: You have a big voice but there was no connection.
Ellen: That song is not one that will get a lot of girls to pick up the phone and vote.
Randy: That song made you feel old.
Michael Lynche
This Love by Maroon 5
[Robyn] I thought Green Mile did a decent job. His performance was pretty forgettable, but in a good way. He is definitely moving on to the next round. I am curious as to what he will sing next. Something by John Mayer or Jack Johnson? Probably.
[JB] Maroon 5 is overrated to begin with and this performance did absolutely nothing for me. He seems pretty likable and didn't seem nervous at all... perhaps he should have. His singing was mediocre tonight, but he brought some much needed energy to the evening. Safe for tonight, but he'd better bring something next week or he could be in trouble.
Simon: There was nothing unique about that. You're better than that.
Kara: It wasn't outrageously great. You could challenge yourself more.
Ellen: You have so much personality it's just bursting out of you.
Randy: You brought the energy up in here.
Alex Lambert
Wonderful World by James Morrison
[Robyn] I guess his voice isnt terrible but where did they find him, the local NASCAR track? Everything about his performance was wrong and sadly, I am not sure he will get the chance to redeem himself.
[JB] This is the kid that had a mullet... wait, HAS a mullet. He sang ok, but anyone that's sporting a mullet has bigger problems than being a little pitchy. When he gets his makeover, he might get some votes. He'd better hurry, though, or he'll be back in Texas changing oil at Jiffy Lube.
Simon: That was the most uncomfortable performance of the night.
Kara: You have great potential.
Ellen: I loooove bananas.
Randy: I really like you. You have a great tone.
Casey James
Heaven by Bryan Adams
[Robyn] Freaking FINALLY.a good performance! Talk about hitting the genetic lotto, the guy has killer looks, an excellent voice and can really play the guitar, not just strum a few chords here and there. Casey is definitely Top 3 material. I wouldnt be surprised to see him making it to the finals with Katie Stevens.
[JB] I'm not a Bryan Adams fan... but this guy rocked it out. Best performance of the night. The only criticism comes with sitting and playing the guitar. He's got looks, charisma and a voice. If there is a male contender to win over the strong female performers this season, this is it.
Simon: This was the best performance from you since you've been in the competition.
Kara: Too busy flirting to give any real critique.
Ellen: You sounded great.
Randy: I like your voice, I like your swagger.
Andrew Garcia
Sugar, We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy
[Robyn] Unfortunately for Andrew, he has had a lot of exposure throughout the audition and Hollywood rounds. It is going to be pretty tough for him to continue producing memorable performances week after week, but he may very well have it in him. I certainly see him making it to the Top 6.
[JB] I didn't expect to like him, but he pulled off a good performance with few mistakes and an original feel. Not the best of the night, but certainly not going home. He will be around for several more weeks and is a definite possibility for the top 8.
Simon: It was too serious... too indulgent.
Kara: It was a strange rendition of that song.
Ellen: You were inside of yourself.
Randy: The arrangement was strange for me, but I'm a fan.
Going Home:
[Robyn] Joe Munoz & Alex Lambert
[JB] Todrick Hall and John Park