Ty Kato as always.
OK I have to work. Here's a rough summary of what went down
The sex was unbelievable
When I was truly drunk she called her friend over - married chick who likes to mess around some
I made out w her a little while Tris watched
We watched the Red Zone channel and had a great fucking time all weekend
She is great beyond words, and so r we and so will the threesome be
I cleaned frost of her car this morning worked really hard. Then she eliminated the reast w her windshield wipers and I said "why the fuck didn't u do that in the 1st place?" she answered "because I enjoyed watching u work"
It is a fucking carnival. She knows teo Kwon Do or however the fuck u spell it and I was making out with her then found myself in a full fledged leg lock. I now have a decently large scratch on my face and more all over my body and the ones on my body I remember not the face one though. The drive home was very, very challenging. I had 2 staties follow me at different times but hey here I am.
She's totally on fire and completely encourages me to nail my job.
Says she is taking me to Vegas for a wedding. Can't wait.
When she moans, it is heaven. I cannot stop myself. We are going to see my friend's band who coincidentally plays a bar about 5 miles from her.
Guys. this is perfect, in perfect time, perfect rhythm, perfect timing.
Don't bother her in any way yet, it needs to settle down a bit before that.
Jus tbe happy for me. You have all been there and I fucking love u for it.
Eat gumbo with her in New Orleans as we all get blasted.