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My dad is really getting bad with the repeating himself.

I'm not sure if it's more concerning or just boring, but he has his little set of go-to anecdotes - and some of them are not particularly brief - and it's a shrinking collection so basically we get all of them every visit - and it's just kinda like, hmm, that's too bad.

I know that could sound like a lot of people. People have their favorite stories. People repeat them.

But this is more than that.

He's actually in amazingly great shape. And he's pretty happy and alert and friendly. He just passed another driving test so he's still out on the roads.

I'm sure I could say to him, "Dude! Do you realize how often you repeat that story?" and he'd probably just laugh. But he was diagnosed with the early stages of dementia so things will probably not get better.

He did bring something new to Thanksgiving which cracked me up. His new thing is: euthanasia (for humans).

He lives in a senior residence now. Not like my mom's place which is more of an assisted living place. But between the two places, I guess he sees a lot of people who are unrelentingly miserable so my dad's solution is: euthanasia. Such-and-such woman he has never seen smile and all she ever does is complain and fight and there has never been any sign of happiness, so ---> she needs euthanasia.

I believe he brought that up 3 times over Thanksgiving. Different people in need of euthanasia. I suspect we will hear that more and more going forward.
Euthanasia seems to be becoming quite the popular option among sickly and elderly people. This isn't something he is considering for himself, is it?
LOL tho, you're dad thinks everyone should just off themselves.
only hitch is, you have to be of sound enough mind to make that decision, else they won't do it. So, that's something if one wanted to plan, they'd have to preplan that....kind of sick when you think about it....but then again, who wants to die miserable?
I like that idea. Have a big party, invite everyone you haven't seen in a while, and then you go in one of those booths like in Futurama.
You can set a date in advance, but can always extend if needed. :dunno: Feel like that would take a lot of stress out of daily life.
I could see myself dying by suicide. Not soon - and not because of traditional depression-related stuff - but if get to be an old, old man and life starts throwing some really twisted shit at me, I don't see myself clinging by my fingernails to it.
idk, I guess my decision would partially be influenced by how my kids would feel about it. In all reality though, if I am not healthy, and cannot enjoy life anyhow.....then I don't see why not. I wonder though, does Euthanasia count as suicide? like does this count as a sin?
If someone is consenting to euthanasia, it would be assisted suicide.

Sin? I say no. I'm sure some religions think so but there are a zillion different religions out there and each one has its own little package of details and rules. Pretty much everything is a sin to someone.

Now if it's just my dad saying you gotta go, then you gotta go. My dad gets the final say.

The big thing in my visit with my mum today - how I compare to the other Steve.

I look like the other Steve. She saw the other Steve at Xmas but she hasn't seen me for years. When I mentioned how my job at Uline was going she said, "Oh you work there too?" (because the other Steve works there.)

It's funny some of the stuff she remembers. She knows the names of Jenny's 2 boys. She's never met them. She only met Jenny a couple times. But she rattles off those names.

I have two cats I see in the hall here sometimes. Milo and Mynx. I've mentioned them, like, 3 times ever. She rattles off those names.

So it goes.
My grandfather did this for maybe 10 years or so at the end. His favorites were memories of sports players. His go-tos were Joe Louis and Gayle Sayers. It went on for so long it's one of the things people remember about him. And yes - they could be lengthy memories instead of just "Sayers what a player" it would be more like an entire revisiting of a particular game. I have a theory (that's rooted in zero science) that when our central nervous systems being to deteriorate the brain grasps on to whatever is most familiar - a highlight reel if you will - with those memories easiest to access repeating. We found if we engaged him in different topics, he would be able to recount and recall them at times, but with stunning accuracy could always do the Joe Louis and Gayle Sayers stuff.

My dad is really getting bad with the repeating himself.

I'm not sure if it's more concerning or just boring, but he has his little set of go-to anecdotes - and some of them are not particularly brief - and it's a shrinking collection so basically we get all of them every visit - and it's just kinda like, hmm, that's too bad.

I know that could sound like a lot of people. People have their favorite stories. People repeat them.

But this is more than that.
cancer does suck

I can understand the unemotional parts, muddy.

brother-brother relationships are not always so cut and dry.

I have an 8 year older brother dealing with a weird skin cancer that spread into lymph nodes and elsewhere, complicated by the fact he is an organ donation recipient. and its not looking good.

he was a black sheep and borderline abusive to us when we grew up.

got screwed up on drugs and kicked out of house at 19 after coming home to live with us after flunking out of college due to excessive drugs and drinking. the police were called many times due to big fights between him and my dad. It was tough shit to deal with as an 11 year old.

he got his life together slowly over the next decade with alot of help from my parents.

but as an adult. I myself have maybe spent 3-4 hrs talking with him over the past 20+ years.

its weird. I know he's a decent dude now.... he really is...

but he's basically a stranger

I can't conjure up emotions i'm supposed to have for a stranger

but there is a guilt and sadness there. but lying deep down underneath

This brother died 2 years ago yesterday

I thought of your brother yesterday too.

Come back Muddy, help me process everything surrounding death anniversaries of brothers.

Fuk cancer in the dick hole
I couldn't tell you one death anniversary of anyone Ive ever known. All my parents and siblings are alive but ive been fairly close to a decent amount of death of many family and friends.

Not trying to be a prick, but maybe just move on?