One Race Percent in Clymer, PA
At the time of the last census survey, the number of people of one race in Clymer, PA was 1,545.
White Population in Clymer, PA
The estimated White population in the Clymer community is 1,540, which is 99.5 percent of the total population (The U.S. average is 75.10%).
Black Population in Clymer, Pennsylvania
The estimated Black/African American population is 0, which is 0 percent of the total population in town (The U.S. average is 12.30%).
American Indian and Alaska Native Population in Clymer, PA
In 2000, the number of American Indians or Alaska Natives in Clymer, PA was 3.
Asian Population in Clymer, Pennsylvania
At the last survey, the total Asian population in the community was 1.
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander Population in Clymer, PA
The number of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders living in Clymer was an estimated 0.
Other/Multiple Races
The number of residents identified as some other race was 1, while those of two or more races was 2 at the time of the last census.
Hispanic Population
The Hispanic population in the Clymer community was 3, or 0.2 percent of the total population (compared to the national average of 12.50% percent).