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A little dilemma

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Blitty, you wanted Plommer and Fiver to give some advice, I merely tried to represent their combined replies.

A true Wally reply would have been to do the right thing Blitty. The guilt sound in your story is you conscience telling you to do the right thing. Blitty, that's boring though.
Part II

ugh..I have another dilemma boys. I haven't smoked weed or cigs for over 2 weeks. trying to quit since all the brain cells lost in vegas...my roommate has a friend staying with us and she wants to smoke both, i might be able to hit it.probably gonna get high tonight.

what do you do in that situation?

should i have better will power?
can you give me a tutorial on how to just put bits and peices of a post into quotes instead of the entire post....never learned and ive wanted to do this a few times when it comes to long posts like wallys

good question, I just delete the unwanted parts. But there must be something you can do with the parentheses and such to get it all nice like Breads.
Blitty, I was only kidding about the whole gay thing last night. Then I started thinking. I kept going back to that wink the sales rep gave you. You're an attractive kind of guy Blitty, some might say a pretty boy even, no Daft but still suppose for a second that sales rep could have mistook you metro-sexual appearance for gay or maybe not full-on gay but like bi or bicurious? Maybe her wink was a little note to self that the trainer she would hook you up with is as well and she thought the two of you would hit it off.

Blitty, the trainer/semi-pro football/fellow athlete guy, has he invited you to come watch him practice?
I wouldn't have signed up for the trainer in the first place. But now that it has progressed to this point, unless I truly did have a complaint about the guy, I think I would just pay.

I have an idea. I actually paid for the 3 pak promo. The other session was a freebie. I am going to go one or two more times before canceling out. I will not use all of the sessions. I have also come to the conclusion that I don't believe the actual trainer will get stiffed, because they give out the one-time freebie sessions all of the time.

I figured that posting this thread wouldn't make me very popular, but I believe that people already have formed their definitive opinions. So I don't think it really matters.
Personal trainers are for the unmotivated....less'n it's physio when recovering from an injury.

Blitty, get out while you can!

My first gym membership was my last. Found it too time consuming -- back and forth from the gym, at busy times having to wait for machines. Settled for free weights at home and a bike. I did miss the sauna, was relaxing after a workout.
Blitty, I don’t think it’s possible for you to not be popular around here even if on a rare occasion everyone doesn’t agree with you.

I tried to be funny and not so serious and I failed so now I’ll be serious.

If you signup for something and the service provided doesn’t meet what was promised or there is some other real problem then I doubt anyone would have a problem with canceling.

If you signup for something under false pretenses or with a preconceived notion to not go through with it and for no other reasons than to impress someone that makes for a good frat house story or a good comedic situation in a movie but probably not cool otherwise.

For the record I think we could have had fun with the trainer being gay and attempting to seduce you though.
Wally, all I hear from every post you have made in this thread, is that you basically think that exercise and and staying in shape is gay. I have been going to the gym for years and I know how to work out. I am interested in a professionals opinion. In our first session I already learned multiple techniques that I can now incorporate into my daily routine. As in most of my threads I know what the moral thing to do is. I am trying to gather others opinions that have been in a similar situation, where a salesman acts somewhat unethical, while trying to persuade you to purchase a product.

Wally, I'm sure everything you do is by the book. Im happy for you that you have never driven over the speed limit or jaywalked or anything. Good for you. This forum was founded by degenerates. One of the owners kills people for all we know. Get with the program bud.
Blitty, I dont think its possible for you to not be popular around here even if on a rare occasion everyone doesnt agree with you.

I tried to be funny and not so serious and I failed so now Ill be serious.

If you signup for something and the service provided doesnt meet what was promised or there is some other real problem then I doubt anyone would have a problem with canceling.

If you signup for something under false pretenses or with a preconceived notion to not go through with it and for no other reasons than to impress someone that makes for a good frat house story or a good comedic situation in a movie but probably not cool otherwise.

For the record I think we could have had fun with the trainer being gay and attempting to seduce you though.

now that's a hell of a sentence.:clueless:
Blitty, you are not immune from the "gay spin", none of us are including me.
Blitty, I'm not nor think I am perfect or above questionable morals.
Blitty, you've seen my pic, does it look like I've ever seen the inside a gym or had a trainer to have an informed opinion about the sexuallity of a trainer?
Blitty, I was being neither condescending, judgmental or even a total prick, I was just trying to bust your balls a little.