Lanus Vs Newells Old Boys 12/13 6:10AM GMT+8
ARGENTINA PRIMERA DIVISION:12 BET Lanus Vs Newells Old Boys 12/13 6:10AM GMT+8
Lanus has played 9 Argentina Primera matches this season on Estadio Ciudad de Lanus. On home ground Lanus has won 3, drawn 3 and lost 3 matches. This ranks the Granate (The Garnet) 10th in home team performance in the Argentina Primera.
Newells Old Boys has played 11 Argentina Primera matches this season away from home. On away ground Newells Old Boys has won 1, drawn 5 and lost 5 matches. This ranks Los Leprosos (The Lepers) 15th in away team performance in the Argentina Primera.
Newells Old Boys that is currently placed in the mid 8 of the Argentina Primera Lanus has managed to collect an average of 1 point in 3 matches this season. Concerning matches played at home against the mid 8 this season Lanus has collected 0 points on average in 1 match.
Lanus who is currently placed in the top 6 of the Argentina Primera Newells Old Boys has managed to collect an average of 0.43 points in 7 matches this season. When looking at matches played away against the top 6 this season Newells Old Boys has collected 0.33 points on average in 3 matches.- wosb.com
Lanus has played 9 Argentina Primera matches this season on Estadio Ciudad de Lanus. On home ground Lanus has won 3, drawn 3 and lost 3 matches. This ranks the Granate (The Garnet) 10th in home team performance in the Argentina Primera.
Newells Old Boys has played 11 Argentina Primera matches this season away from home. On away ground Newells Old Boys has won 1, drawn 5 and lost 5 matches. This ranks Los Leprosos (The Lepers) 15th in away team performance in the Argentina Primera.

Newells Old Boys that is currently placed in the mid 8 of the Argentina Primera Lanus has managed to collect an average of 1 point in 3 matches this season. Concerning matches played at home against the mid 8 this season Lanus has collected 0 points on average in 1 match.
Lanus who is currently placed in the top 6 of the Argentina Primera Newells Old Boys has managed to collect an average of 0.43 points in 7 matches this season. When looking at matches played away against the top 6 this season Newells Old Boys has collected 0.33 points on average in 3 matches.- wosb.com