Racing Genk Vs St Truiden BELGIUM JUPILER PRO LEAGUE 12--BET online sports betting
Racing Genk Vs St Truiden BELGIUM JUPILER PRO LEAGUE 12--BET online sports betting 1/21 3:30AM GMT+8
Racing Genk has played 10 Belgium Jupiler League matches this season on Cristal Arena. On home ground Racing Genk has won 6, drawn 3 and lost 1 matches. This ranks Genk 6th in home team performance in the Belgium Jupiler League.
Racing Genk has played 10 Belgium Jupiler League matches this season on Cristal Arena. On home ground Racing Genk has won 6, drawn 3 and lost 1 matches. This ranks Genk 6th in home team performance in the Belgium Jupiler League.

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