Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. Anyone Ever been to Dubai??

    I'd go to Boracay. Nice beach, permissive locals. It's paradise and they treat you like a god. Pretty cheap too.
  2. Don't listen to Gaga but she does crack me up

    I really don't know, I guess it's something akin to having a substance abuse problem, the first way to get over it is to admit it. And am glad that I was able to admit it here and to myself that I enjoy Bieber's songs. Bieber and Gaga are the same for me... their talents are enormous...
  3. Don't listen to Gaga but she does crack me up

    uncomfortable confession. I listen to and enjoy Gaga's songs. Bieber's too.
  4. Anyone Ever been to Dubai??

    What's up in Dubai?
  5. The 50 Best Racks In Sports

    Sarah Burke, all the way. And Maryeve Dufault :)