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  1. Muse

    Can You Guess What These Guys Are Doing In This Picture?

    Watching a CaliGirl vid
  2. Muse

    Harvard Red Meat Study - should I feel affected?

    Eat, drink and be merry because life is too short for anything else
  3. Muse

    Harvard Red Meat Study - should I feel affected?

    Getting checked up regularly is the most important thing. Genetics rule the roost and you can't beat them. Early detection of any disease can really curb the effects that disease has on your body and increase quality of life. So get a check up every year. I've taken care of more than a few...
  4. Muse

    gay marine coming home

  5. Muse

    kato gets married on Wednesday

    congrats, Kato. Eat all the food you can at the reception, you guys are paying for it. Drink as much as the mrs. will let you as well. We hardly ate at all and have regretted it for years :facepalm: Our only regret.
  6. Muse

    family fun in the Senco houseshold

    He just doesn't understand how hard it is to play power chords.
  7. Muse

    I Gotta Feeling.....

  8. Muse

    Gamelive Medical Thread

    Archi, Lisinopril seems to be the most common med prescribed for BP. Taking Clonozapam most definitely would not hurt but in order for it to be effective for BP control you'd literally have to take it around the clock. NOt to mention the tolerance you'd build up to it and increasing dosages...
  9. Muse

    Gamelive Medical Thread

    Kato, thank you. I've been fighting being sick lately. About 3 weeks ago I came down with the flu, pretty nasty strain. Doc didn't want to treat, just let it run it's course. So, about 7 days later, I still got it AND then I get strep. Almost 15 days of running a fever over 102. Didn't...
  10. Muse

    Gamelive Medical Thread

    On a side note, It's really getting harder here in the states to get a script for a Benzo, especially Xanax (thanks Whitney), and pain meds (thanks MJ), especially Oxycontin but even Percocets or Lortabs. The "war on drugs" is now focusing primarily on prescription medication abuse so the DEA...
  11. Muse

    Gamelive Medical Thread

    @RJ, I've been busy with work trying to get caught up on bills. 3 surgeries in the last 16 months and over 3 months of work missed really set us back, so I'm trying to get us caught back up. How are things with you going? @Choo, glad to hear you healed up nicely. Beta-Blockers to treat...
  12. Muse

    Gamelive Medical Thread

    Choo, how are your heels healing? Did you ever get them looked at? Hope all is well. Well, we've been busy at work this winter. The ER's here are filled with stomach viruses, strep, pill seekers (weeeee) and hypochondriacs. So really nothing new. ER's are really replacing the family...
  13. Muse

    Do you wish your life away?

    Muddy, I understand pal. Pills help me a lot for this. I can hardly make it through a shift at work without popping about 6-8 pills. I get bored and apathetic at work but don't want to start over with another career. And like you, when I'm at home (or anywhere other than work), I'm quite...
  14. Muse

    Nothing of interest in here, move along

  15. Muse

    Nothing of interest in here, move along

    Just seeing if this works as I've never used it before. http://www.google.com/search?btnG=1&pws=0&q=heart+rate+variability+and+fitness
  16. Muse

    Should we let Shannon Caddo know about his legendary status at GL?

    Highly doubt they would even come close to comprehending the funniness that is that thread.
  17. Muse

    hello from caligirl - video

    Cali, are you off your Vitamin D3 supplements again? I told you Seasonal Affective Disorder would make you sad.
  18. Muse


    Archie, Christmas package is in the mail... Enjoy
  19. Muse

    Gamelive Medical Thread

    Choo, Given that it's been about 10 days and you're still having trouble walking, you'd probably better off getting them x-ray'd. That's one of the more commonly fractured bones in the feet. In the meantime, RICE+Aleve for relief. Do they look swollen or bruised? Are you on your feet a lot...
  20. Muse


    Looks like MF has it covered. If you do choose to go the pain killer route I think your best options are oxycontin and roxicodones. The roxi's don't have Tylenol like the Percocets. Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) is another one. Just be careful. I'm not sure how this stuff is tracked in Canada...