Hooligans Sportsbook

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  1. MrX

    Movies and TV

    Oh man, how did I forget about Tank Girl?!
  2. MrX

    Movies and TV

    I love Succession, but what's really blowing me away is Station Eleven. It's post-apocalyptic fiction that mostly takes place in the aftermath of a flu that kills all but 1 in 1000 on earth. That said, it's nothing like you'd expect based on that description. It's all about the place of art and...
  3. MrX

    Big Boys Club

    We can but I'm pretty sure it'll be a dick pic.
  4. MrX

    2021 Poster of the Year

    None taken, I was stumped too. I want to be J Peterman, but I'm not.
  5. MrX

    Steves gets his life together

    If a tree falls in California, 20 liberals catch it and use taxpayer money rehabilitate it. I've seen it.
  6. MrX

    Steves gets his life together

    Yeah I'm confused by you guys talking about derailing like it's a bad thing.
  7. MrX

    2021 Poster of the Year

    This is a really tough one. I mean, Matty is MVP, no doubt, and he keeps himself out of jail so he doesn't miss months of posting opportunity. On the other hand, we've got a guy living on the mean streets of Philly and making multiple video posts a day. Philly is no joke in the best of...
  8. MrX

    Pics where I'm not sure where to put it

    Now that's festive.
  9. MrX

    Steves gets his life together

    That VERY sharp guy was the devil.
  10. MrX

    Steves gets his life together

    Steves, any thought of heading south for the winter? Winter in Philly sounds like pretty much the worst homeless choice possible.
  11. MrX

    Steves gets his life together

    The drinking is terrible and will continue to ruin steves' life and/or kill him eventually if he doesn't stop. But can he stop drinking without getting his brain sorted out. I sorta assumed that the drinking was a coping mechanism, but maybe you're right. Or maybe it's both. The internet seems...
  12. MrX

    Steves gets his life together

    Sorry you're lonely steves. That sucks and you're in a viscous cycle. Doesn't this all start with your mental health? It seems like you're operating at a hopeless disadvantage until you get help with that.
  13. MrX

    Steves gets his life together

    Well, you're certainly getting a lot of activities in. Don't fuck with the Wawas though. Some things are sacred. Fuck the Starbucks.
  14. MrX


    I know about 8 people who were early to vaccinate but hadn't gotten their boosters yet who've gotten covid recently. None of them got so sick that it was scary, nothing close to a hospitalization, but 5 of them were pretty miserable and still don't feel 100% weeks later. Seems to me, if you're...
  15. MrX


    J & J Originally, Moderna Booster. I also got my first shingles vaccine on the same day as the booster. I felt pretty shitty for a day. Both arms hurt enough to make sleeping annoying.
  16. MrX


    Do whatever you want. But why don't you want the booster?
  17. MrX

    Big Boys Club

    Foiled by a grade school toy. And you want to be my localization manager.
  18. MrX

    Big Boys Club

    I got whiplash from the tone change between those last two posts.
  19. MrX

    Sarco suicide machine

    Just attach these to Howard Johnsons (are there still Howard Johnsons?), offer a free meal with every suicide and we've reached Kurt Vonnegut's vision of the future.
  20. MrX

    Stevek fliets w hotties

    While you're admitted, maybe see if you can talk to someone about getting treatment for bipolar?