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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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Since she doesn’t get interviewed, she can ride the wave. I fully expect Trump to crush her in a debate, as long as there are competent mods asking questions. This form of Blue democracy needs to get crushed.
Has Trump ever crushed anyone in a debate? The man seems to just attack with immature childish rants.

Also, his content is full of provable falsehoods/lies. How is that good debating? He doesn't sound very intelligent either, to me he sounds like a mix of NY cabbie and used car salesman.
I've never heard Kamala debate, but she's 20 years younger and a former prosecutor who's job it was daily to speak to judges and juries and convince them, so I think she may do better than expected.

I watched the Newsom/Desantis debate, I've never heard either of them speak before, I only was aware of the names.
So I'm indifferent to both men, I know little about state governors.

In my opinion Newsome was clearly the better speaker, great posture, confident, spoke well etc.
Desantis looked and sounded weak, lots of head shaking, weak forced smiles, grimaces etc

My neighbor who lived in Mich for 20 years is a big supporter of the R's and thought Desantis won easily.

This same man hates Newsome though. Can you be impartial and fair in evaluating a debate if you hate one of the participants?
Has Trump ever crushed anyone in a debate? The man seems to just attack with immature childish rants.

Also, his content is full of provable falsehoods/lies. How is that good debating? He doesn't sound very intelligent either, to me he sounds like a mix of NY cabbie and used car salesman.
I've never heard Kamala debate, but she's 20 years younger and a former prosecutor who's job it was daily to speak to judges and juries and convince them, so I think she may do better than expected.

I watched the Newsom/Desantis debate, I've never heard either of them speak before, I only was aware of the names.
So I'm indifferent to both men, I know little about state governors.

In my opinion Newsome was clearly the better speaker, great posture, confident, spoke well etc.
Desantis looked and sounded weak, lots of head shaking, weak forced smiles, grimaces etc

My neighbor who lived in Mich for 20 years is a big supporter of the R's and thought Desantis won easily.

This same man hates Newsome though. Can you be impartial and fair in evaluating a debate if you hate one of the participants?
He ended Biden’s career.

A lot of the skill of debating is thinking fast, that isn’t Kamala. It’s pretty obvious that she is a “system player” and needs to stick to the narrative. Trump doesn’t have a narrative. I guess to me, Trump
Is a more likable BSer.
He ended Biden’s career.

A lot of the skill of debating is thinking fast, that isn’t Kamala. It’s pretty obvious that she is a “system player” and needs to stick to the narrative. Trump doesn’t have a narrative. I guess to me, Trump
Is a more likable BSer.
And likely his own because of it.

Beating Biden wasn't much of an accomplishment though, anyone literally could beat Biden in a debate, the guy is elderly.

I'll watch the debate(s), and I'll keep an open mind, will be interesting to see how everyone grades them.

Trump definitely in decline though, I think he'll be up against it.

Trump is likable?
Just shows how varied people's opinions and beliefs are.
To me his persona is extremely unlikable.
And likely his own because of it.

Beating Biden wasn't much of an accomplishment though, anyone literally could beat Biden in a debate, the guy is elderly.

I'll watch the debate(s), and I'll keep an open mind, will be interesting to see how everyone grades them.

Trump definitely in decline though, I think he'll be up against it.

Trump is likable?
Just shows how varied people's opinions and beliefs are.
To me his persona is extremely unlikable.
Trump would be very popular in Canada outside of the big cities.
Trump would be very popular in Canada outside of the big cities.
Funny you mention that.

Politics here used to be much more civil as in the British tradition of parliament, parties were mostly respectful to each other. There are rules of engagement. Insults, or other bad behaviour would get a member kicked out of the proceedings in the house for the day.

In recent years though the US style of politics started creeping in, with negative ads. Canadians were averse to negative attack ads but that seems to have changed and its much more like the US with all the negativity and disrespect.

I dislike attack ads, candidates should be informing voters of their policies and platform and let them choose. Fear mongering and the like are just bad, IMO (Wal).

Political parties should not hate each other, its not good for the country, most Canadians find American style politics to be insanity. I can tell you this, no country on earth wants to emulate the nonsense that goes on in US politics.

Country over party is how it should be, but it seems the opposite.

FW, watch this clip
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Funny you mention that.

Politics here used to be much more civil as in the British tradition of parliament, parties were mostly respectful to each other. There are rules of engagement. Insults, or other bad behaviour would get a member kicked out of the proceedings in the house for the day.

In recent years though the US style of politics started creeping in, with negative ads. Canadians were averse to negative attack ads but that seems to have changed and its much more like the US with all the negativity and disrespect.

I dislike attack ads, candidates should be informing voters of their policies and platform and let them choose. Fear mongering and the like are just bad, IMO (Wal).

Political parties should not hate each other, its not good for the country, most Canadians find American style politics to be insanity. I can tell you this, no country on earth wants to emulate the nonsense that goes on in US politics.

Country over party is how it should be, but it seems the opposite.
I’m the same way. I have noticed that in Canadian media also. The biggest problem with American politics is the entrance of foreign money. One would be a fool to donate to these politicians, they will only listen to mega donors like corporations anyway. What is really bad is Soros money filtering down to local elections, especially DA’s and judges.
Since she doesn’t get interviewed, she can ride the wave. I fully expect Trump to make a bunch of shit up that's not true (as is his modus operandi) in the debate.
I agree 100%

One side will have someone who can't debate, the other side will have a former President that's a compulsive liar who will say anything and step on anyone's back to get re-elected.

Imagine not getting endorsed by your former Vice President!
I remember when Balz Walz had Minnesota police shooting paintball guns at people who were breaking curfew by sitting on their porch during "COVID"

Yep, that's who I want running things 😂

Liberal authoritarians unite!
Fun fact: This is the fifth time has said Balz Walz in this thread... since Saturday.

Over/Under on Balz Walz references until election day set at 112.5.
It's true, The VP pick is mostly meaningless

In terms of a general election

Every once and a while you'll see a slight uptick

But people vote on the president

The illegal migrant who was arrested in March for raping a 15-year-old girI was released on $500 bail.

But wait, it gets even worse:

He was FLOWN in by Biden-Harris admin, so I can't blame Balz Walz for this one. I would guess, slight downtick.
give us the cliff notes.was Elon the interviewer ? lol

hopefully he outsourced that job
From the interview.

A threat to pick up his ball and go "home" if he loses the election

Venezuelan crime is way down, so that part is fact.

I think the notion that they are all here is highly unlikely. But we have some, that's for certain. The border is an absolute dumpster fire. Cannot be denied.