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Good morning Gamelive

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Jan 30, 2010
Since, as I have discussed previously, it is theraputic for me to post here while I make my morning calls and the desire to add more shitty content to Gamelive I came up with the idea to start a thread like this to bullshit with you guys on a daily basis.

I do believe the the next few months will be strange for me coming out of an 8 year relationship and back in my own digs etc. I feel like I'm doing alright but the fact that I drank an entire bottle of rum the other night tells me there might be some things kicking in my head (lol). Normally I'm a half a bottle guy if I'm tying one on, an entire bottle is out of control in my opinion. Just glad I didn't dial the ex or do anything else that could have been 'damaging'.

Loving the new place. Wish I could post pics now; my phone doesn't have a camera, my old one did but that was on a Verizon account with Nikki. Definitely a true bachelor pad through and through. 1 bedroom house, pretty much sofabed in the living room is where I reside. No tables since they are all in the house Nik and I were going to move into. No chairs for the same reason. So much nice shit I had that we chucked because "there wouldn't be room for it in the new house" that I could use now. Oh well, live and learn. My use of boxes in the meantime is pretty decent though.

Debating what the beer purchase will be today. I think it might be time to initiate the new place with its 1st M Light 30 pack. 1st of many. I put together this Gold's Gym Door Gym trainer thing last night and will hit that. Anyone else got it? Seems to be a pretty good $20 purchase.

Feeling pretty fortunate about how the move went. Sure the heat on day 1 was a fucking nightmare and the monsoon that ensued on day 2 were not ideal but no injuries, the ciatic held up, etc. Dropped a poker set on my foot from pretty high but just a little toe soreness for that nothing too bad there could have done without that.

Busy ass day chasing loans around and homework all night. Chitty. Oh well.

Fucking brutal morning of calls. Everyone wants to bullshit and not take a full application. Oh well it's all good.

Time to defacate. Unlike Robmpink's neighbor, however, I will use a toilet ass opposed to someone's lawn. I'm sorry that happened to you dude but that thread was fucking glorious.

Be good gamelive, I will catch you on the back end or some shit.
Steve...you sound like I did when I broke up with my last GF. She "moved" out (she never fully moved in) and I decided that I was going to take care of me. It was therapeutic...no one to answer to..no one to care about but myself. I am not going to lie...it was a bit lonely for a while but I made the best of it. I took a lot of weekend trips because...well why the hell not? Not to mention it was nice to talk to random girls in a different way again.

Embrace the lifestyle my friend! Sounds like you are so far!
Steve...you sound like I did when I broke up with my last GF. She "moved" out (she never fully moved in) and I decided that I was going to take care of me. It was therapeutic...no one to answer to..no one to care about but myself. I am not going to lie...it was a bit lonely for a while but I made the best of it. I took a lot of weekend trips because...well why the hell not? Not to mention it was nice to talk to random girls in a different way again.

Embrace the lifestyle my friend! Sounds like you are so far!

Yeah man there has been some lonely feelings. Just the adjustment is all, plus I don't really know anyone in this town. It'll come along.

I have been in talks with some old friends about traveling. I think this will be key. I can do my job from anywhere as long as I have internet so that makes it more doable.

I appreciate it Amb. Just gotta keep pounding work and school and the rest will come along it always does man it always does.
Stevie, you need to take the word "Nikki" out of your posts from now. Please come up with a better way to describe this former part of your life. You do not need to mention her name on here anymore. Call her "the ex," or see if you can borrow Plommer's term of endearment when necessary. Whenever you say her name I can't help but cringe for you. You're not making it any easier on yourself.
what are your feelings on that muddy? good/bad/fear?

There is an obvious financial benefit. That cannot be denied. And that's important. Other than that though, I have doubt about the compatibility. I question how well we would get along if we were in each other's faces all the time.

I am very relaxed and easy going. She is very fussy and a bit compulsive with some things. In limited doses we make it work well but even then there are clashes that come out of that basic personality difference. Full-time, I could see it becoming a big ongoing issue.

Would the financial benefit compensate for that? I really don't know.

Probably not.
yeah, muddy. financially it always makes sense until you find out that you may be like oil/water if you are sharing quarters with a mate...

the old conundrum...

i have only lived with one woman in my life and it was the worst experience ever. i was engaged to her (gave her my grandmother's ring) thought it was the right move financially, and since we were engaged I thought all was great. But as soon as we started living together, everything changed. She cut back on all of her trips (flight attendant) got all lazy and developed quite an addiction to oxycodone... fun times