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OK peoples, I'm having my annual SB party, and here's the menu, what are you having?

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Feb 4, 2010
Every year around the Casa de Wizard compound, I hold a Super Bowl party for my family and all of the friends and even people who just know me. This year will be no different, well except for the fact that I will be making the rounds picking up shit in a driving snow storm later today. Here is the almost traditional menu:

1. 3 lbs shrimp
2. 4 lbs. of REAL Polish Kelbase from one of my neighbors.
3. 3 lbs. of homemade smoked cheese, different varieties
4. shit load of grilled chicken
5. 2 half kegs of beer, probably Molson, and Yuengling
6. Traditional 1/5 of Captain Morgan's Private Stock Rum
7. 1/5 of Stolly Vocka
8. 1/5 of Patron Tequila
9. 1/5 of semi crappy tequila for margaritas
10. 3 bottles of Korbel Extra Brut sparkling wine
11. 1 bottle of Mums Champagne
12. Several box of wines
13. about an ounce of top grade bud.
14. I almost forgot the old lady is cutting up a vegetable tray and peppers, corn, brocolli, and other assorted greens for the grill.

Yes grilling at the Casa de Wizard is an all year around thing, even in the snow.
That looks pretty good.

I have gotten together with the same small group of guys for decades. We do not get fancy with it. It is considered a religious holiday so no one works by cooking etc.

We will order pizza, wings, potato wedges. Those guys will drink beers and I will drink pop/water.

That's it. We go the stripped-down Super Bowl route. But the spiritual effect is no less pronounced.
That looks pretty good.

I have gotten together with the same small group of guys for decades. We do not get fancy with it. It is considered a religious holiday so no one works by cooking etc.

We will order pizza, wings, potato wedges. Those guys will drink beers and I will drink pop/water.

That's it. We go the stripped-down Super Bowl route. But the spiritual effect is no less pronounced.

I remember you talking about this last year....is that one guy still being a dick about money for the party. I remember you mentioning something about him mooching and never putting anything down for food and drinks.....Did you guys kick him out of the group yet or what?
I remember you talking about this last year....is that one guy still being a dick about money for the party. I remember you mentioning something about him mooching and never putting anything down for food and drinks.....Did you guys kick him out of the group yet or what?


Yes indeed. That guy also made it onto Bread's Favorite Canadians list (with a punitive rating, I hasten to add).

I expect he will be there on Sunday. What happened last year was the host told him ahead of time everyone was chipping in 20 bucks and so he chipped in 20 bucks and that was that. No scene. No muss, no fuss.

I assume the host will take the same approach this year.

Buddy-boy probably wouldn't have chipped in otherwise. He has a reputation for avoiding picking up rounds when out drinking. It is unfortunate. I like the guy in almost every other way but lose respect for him over that kind of lameness. But I only see him maybe 2-3 times a year anyway so he's not really my problem.

Yes indeed. That guy also made it onto Bread's Favorite Canadians list (with a punitive rating, I hasten to add).

I expect he will be there on Sunday. What happened last year was the host told him ahead of time everyone was chipping in 20 bucks and so he chipped in 20 bucks and that was that. No scene. No muss, no fuss.

I assume the host will take the same approach this year.

Buddy-boy probably wouldn't have chipped in otherwise. He has a reputation for avoiding picking up rounds when out drinking. It is unfortunate. I like the guy in almost every other way but lose respect for him over that kind of lameness. But I only see him maybe 2-3 times a year anyway so he's not really my problem.

I have friends that refuse to buy rounds at the bar it really bothers me. After a while I just stop inviting them out....You can only tolerate it for so long.
I have a lame cheap friend as well. Also like him in all other aspects, but dealing with that aspect for 20 years is tiresome.

Will go out 7 guys and drink for many hours, everyone is sloshed, eaten, and then come bill time, and he will argue that he's only had two or three beers, as he sways back and forth handing over his $5 on a $200 tab. And don't even get me started on his tipping structure. My God.

Recently he started his own business. Well his network completely crashed, somewhat crippling him. He called on a mutual buddy who has experience with computer networks, and said he couldn't get ahold of his regular guy, asked if he was available. Friend said sure.

Came down there, spent a couple hours there and got his systems back up. Friend A says "Hey thanks!" and that's it. No payment, no offering, not even a goddam lunch or beer. Like it was expected.

That story made me angry.
The old lady is putting vegetable in a tray, but the kelbase and smoked cheese will be pretty much a deli tray.

usually the shrimp last until about half time, especially with very fresh horseradish in the cocktail sauce. There is alway a bowl of candy laying around to eat.
People like that piss me off. If it is you profession, some people just take it for granted that you will do it and not expect any compensation. Maybe you won't get your regular rate, but a little something, including a reach around, would be helpful.
Probably go to a local place called Ollie Gators for a few drinks and apps. and then be home before the game starts. Homebodies! Rage, we're in South Jersey and expecting 6-18" of snow tonight into tomorrow. What area you in? Cold sucks!!!:yes:
Probably go to a local place called Ollie Gators for a few drinks and apps. and then be home before the game starts. Homebodies! Rage, we're in South Jersey and expecting 6-18" of snow tonight into tomorrow. What area you in? Cold sucks!!!:yes:

I'm right smack in the middle of mennonite land between Readin PA, and Allendump Pa. We are only gewtting 6 - 12. It seems like the southern areas are getting hit harder this season.

There will be some good skiing tomorrow.