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Who is going to be the next President of the United States?

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Then give it to Alex Jones 😂

msnbc for sale
The worst thing that could happen is that MSNBC changes.

Now that the public have spoken and MSNBC has cemented its legacy in being a far left loony toon channel, keeping them status quo would keep supporters of Trump hungry.

You take away them or The View and the right leaning people won’t have anyone to bitch about except themselves if something goes wrong.

Imagine if the Red Sox fans didn’t have the Yankees to hate. They would lose fans.
I don't think it would matter much.

Having 1 major news network that (mostly) is conservative leaning content probably isn't the point. Having 2 wouldn't matter either.

I don't think news networks should even have "a bias" but it's not 1966 anymore. So they are gonna do what gets them viewers. You saw this really ramp up after 9/11 but it started way before that.

Citizen journalism is going to be the norm, more people are getting their news from X than from legacy media now. The issue is (always) what's real and what's nonsense. I'm not sure this gets fixed soon, so it's up to the consumer to do their homework and look for some proper source before sharing stuff because it "sounds like it supports my ideology."

It's all up for grabs in the world of AI too, it's going to get harder and harder to discern fact from fiction.
For instance, the NIH Chief Raja Cholan was caught on video tape admitting their Covid measures were "completely made up."

Will any major news network report on it?

Let's see.
This was an example of citizen journalism.

So LOL all you want.

Your legacy media failed you...and has been failing you for a WHILE in case you hadn't noticed.

They fleeced us out for pharmaceutical profits, among other things.
This was an example of citizen journalism.

So LOL all you want.

Your legacy media failed you...and has been failing you for a WHILE in case you hadn't noticed.

They fleeced us out for pharmaceutical profits, among other things.
I lol’d because when I see “citizen journalism” all my mind can picture is a chubby white guy making YouTube videos in his mother’s basement and calling it news. Alex Jones.

I also lol’d because every person I know irl that gets their news from citizen journalism is a complete wack-a-doodle who believes in things like Democrats were creating (and navigating) major hurricanes.

I lol’d because when I see “citizen journalism” all my mind can picture is a chubby white guy making YouTube videos in his mother’s basement and calling it news. Alex Jones.

I also lol’d because every person I know irl that gets their news from citizen journalism is a complete wack-a-doodle who believes in things like Democrats were creating (and navigating) major hurricanes.

I think citizen journalism does work at a local level better. Some stories that the local news doesn’t want to cover blows up on X, now they may have to. Actually someone with a camera and a police scanner can do a lot of the ground work for the news.

I agree with you Tron, there are too many of the people like you describe - content creators are idiots for the most part.
Unlikely, because it stems from "citizen journalism." A man and a camera, Raja in the flesh on tape admitting what most of us already knew. Fox likes citizen journalism about as much as Tron. No time to sell sodas and drugs. The truth can be scary, I guess.