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Steves gets his life together

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The drinking is terrible and will continue to ruin steves' life and/or kill him eventually if he doesn't stop. But can he stop drinking without getting his brain sorted out. I sorta assumed that the drinking was a coping mechanism, but maybe you're right. Or maybe it's both.

The internet seems to think that bipolar can trigger alcoholism and that drinking can trigger bipolar. Or possibly the same brain chemistry that leads to bipolar disorder also makes one susceptible to alcoholism. Fun.
This is always the problem with mental health stuff. The tool you need to fix things (your brain) is what's damaged in the first place.

That's why it's imperative you get help, Stevey. No one can make such radical life changes alone. This isn't a one-man-tough-it-out job. Find a doctor. Find a program. Find a sponsor. You need a support network to help you through this!
Found a little vodka and bud light this morning, it actually helped. As long I don't get blasted or combine it w my meds I'm fine w my "hairs of the dog". I catch my little buzz and I'm good to go.

Last night I found a delicious pink drink and a few other little bits.

I drink a bit (NO MORE BINGE BENDERS) I smoke a bit more and I'm fine.
Found a little vodka and bud light this morning, it actually helped. As long I don't get blasted or combine it w my meds I'm fine w my "hairs of the dog". I catch my little buzz and I'm good to go.
:up That's the Stevie we like to see.
Last night I found a delicious pink drink and a few other little bits.
...and we're back to being concerned.
I drink a bit (NO MORE BINGE BENDERS) I smoke a bit more and I'm fine.
No, you're not.

You can drink and do drugs if you want to, you are a grown man. But people with substance abuse issues and mental health disorders don't have the luxury of dabbling a little here, having a casual drink there.

You can't have it both ways Stevey. If you want to get sober you have to get fully sober. If you want to keep working the Stevey plan, that's fine, but don't mistake it as an actual answer to your problems.
Gradually, of course. Don't give yourself impossible cold-turkey ultimatums.
I believe cold turkey is still the most effective and recommended method. With the understanding that there may be setbacks and you try again the next day.

I mean weening off is fine too, but it sounded like Stevey was saying his new normal will be to drink and do drugs, just not in excess. Which sure is certainly an upgrade over making no attempt to moderate at all, but isn't really a long-term solution.
If I don't binge I'm fine.

When I do binge I turn into a lame ass version of Tyler Durden and then I lose.

At everything.

On my way to Starbucks to survey out I hit a bottle shop for a quick swill. There was a minimum $10 purchase and I do have like $30 until the $522 hits in roughly ten days. The good news is, instead of saying fuck it and purchasing $10 worth of suds, I bailed.

Not a miracle, but a step in the right direction.

Also, no more bipolar meds mid day, learned that yesterday.

They put me right to sleep!

Someone left me a nice sweatshirt last night, forgot to mention that, and another God blessed woman gave me a sandwich and a water, both of which I'm enjoying right now.

I also have a Kool cig pack with some wet in it that I found this morning. I'll enjoy that this evening with a FEW drinks.
I believe cold turkey is still the most effective and recommended method. With the understanding that there may be setbacks and you try again the next day.

I mean weening off is fine too, but it sounded like Stevey was saying his new normal will be to drink and do drugs, just not in excess. Which sure is certainly an upgrade over making no attempt to moderate at all, but isn't really a long-term solution.
I guess it depends how much Stevie typically drinks. But yeah, I guess that if he did ok while in jail, he can probably go cold turkey.
Last night I found a delicious pink drink and a few other little bits.

Found a green drink near a bunch of drunk babes

Obviously they left it for me so I chugged it

Found some malt liquor, obviously left for me

Chugged that as well

Smoked the wet or whatever that was

In Barnes n Noble feeling great
I do wish steves the best but i have actual human people in my life who are substance abusers and recieve less support from me... so... good luck bro, love you and stuff.
Man, I feel you. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 817 times... you feel sympathy for people but it's hard to support/get invested when it's an endless cycle.
Found a green drink near a bunch of drunk babes

Obviously they left it for me so I chugged it

Found some malt liquor, obviously left for me

Chugged that as well

Smoked the wet or whatever that was

In Barnes n Noble feeling great
Stevey I think it might be time for another thread title change. Chugging random drinks and smoking random laced cigs doesn't really feel too topical in the "steves gets his life together" thread.