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Dizzy from looking at job listings :(

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I have someone close to me trying to find a job right now and the experience sounds painful. She works and struggles through the resume sending process. When she gets any response at all - which is rare - she ends up getting rejected for some picky reason. I guess companies can do that when they have hundreds of applications.

She is a professional type person and she is talking about how she might have to take a job at a donut shop or something. Not that there is anything wrong with doing those jobs - but she has been a 6-figure management type.
I have someone close to me trying to find a job right now and the experience sounds painful. She works and struggles through the resume sending process. When she gets any response at all - which is rare - she ends up getting rejected for some picky reason. I guess companies can do that when they have hundreds of applications.

She is a professional type person and she is talking about how she might have to take a job at a donut shop or something. Not that there is anything wrong with doing those jobs - but she has been a 6-figure management type.

That's the thing. People like her can't even get a job, and then my good friends who graduated with honors at good colleges can't, either.

Than there is me, college dropout with no real area of expertise. I'll be lucky to land a job at McDonalds at this rate.
Welcome to what sh*t was like in the 70s as well (although not quite as bad actually)

boys this is what happens when wall street steals and steals and steals

make no mistake, that is all that caused this, and will continue to cause it indefinitely

it's stealing, just with a million buffers to hide what's really happening

but on a basic level, it's straightforward
Welcome to what sh*t was like in the 70s as well (although not quite as bad actually)

boys this is what happens when wall street steals and steals and steals

make no mistake, that is all that caused this, and will continue to cause it indefinitely

it's stealing, just with a million buffers to hide what's really happening

but on a basic level, it's straightforward

Oh man I would love to be surrounded by a million Buffers!!! :freak:


A rare and serious PuckOff here.

Keep your chin up buddy.

Everything happens for a reason and you will come out out of this a stronger and better person no matter if you are a "college dropout with no real area of expertise." I know having a university or college degree helps, but things will turn around for you. Don't be hard on yourself Dave. It just takes time, but the good thing is you are looking.

I'll leave you with this quote:

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us."

I know times are tough down there in the U.S., but there is something out there for you Dave so try to keep your chin and spirits up.
The donut shops aren't even hiring around here. :madd:

That's true. No joke. My professional friend probably wouldn't have a chance at something like that due to being over-qualified (so she would have to work on her lying). But I know another guy through my addictions recovery group who has been trying to find a "survival job" until things in his industry open up. He is having all kinds of problems. He found something part-time at a grocery store but couldn't get any hours. He is willing to do just about anything but it's ridiculous how hard it is for the guy to get the most basic job.