Hooligans Sportsbook

Yesterday - my Olympic experience

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Jan 27, 2010
Watched a men's curling game

Watched a women's curling game

Mixed through that, watched the women's snowboard cross

Watched a men's hockey game

Watched another men's curling game

Results: a Canadian cutie won the gold medal in the women's snowboard cross. The male curlers are 2-0. The female curlers are 1-0. And the hockey team won.

And despite all that couch potato action, I did manage to do some work (made exactly $100), feed myself, have a good workout, work on my musical project, talk to my honeybun, and post at GameLive.

Man, I had an enjoyable day yesterday. Let's do it again.

I busted out some spoke orders.

Typed a love letter to Matty Rain.

Went grocery shopping.

Watched People's Court.

Watched American Idol.

Tailed some GameLive players towards another nice profit.

Went to sleep mildly angry at the KY game officials.

No betting today. Except the GLPPOTD.
I went to a nutritionist with the girlfirend, who proceeded to tell her everything i've been trying for months, mainly that the stuff her mother cooks is not food and should be eaten.

Then we wasted the day doing nothing as usual, went to pregnancy class, and then wasted some more time.

I managed to work upwards of 4 minutes and got in 2 bets, both of which were on mississippi st and which totaled to be about my biggest play of the year. Luckily I hadn't seen the thread here or I probably would have put more. Sweet ending.

Today I am actually going to work and I am paying my friend to go stand in line at banks all day for me.
-I sent flowers to Bread.

-What I thought was my dog having gas turned out to be my new neighbor-of-yet-undetermined-origin's cooking.

-I made about 30 bets while switching between the Canada/Norway game, LOST and an old episode of Jimmy Kimmel I had downloaded on the computer.

-The dog's camouflage hoodie made an impression on the locals when we went for his evening walk.

-I watched the Russia/Latvia game on mute while listening to Diane Birch, for which I have developed a huge schoolboy crush. Big 70's lounge singer voice in an impossibly cute package, oh my.

-I tallied up the night's bets, which produced a handsome profit and brought me into the black for the year.
I'm with Mudcat here. Between the hockey, late night curling and an occasional figure skater there's not enough hours in the day. Mind you, the rest of the year I could toss the tv out the window.... until world cup.
Geez, you guys have attractive lives.

I went to work, and didn't do shit except listen to some South American dude bitch about how HE fucked up a automotive stamping tool, and how I need to fix HIS problem.

Then drove home and got the truck stuck in the driveway and spent a hour digging it out.

The highlight however, is when you guys were watchin the Kentucky game, I was watching the season premier of TOOL ACADEMY on my DVR. It looks like another awesome year.
Yeah, the betting season is over for me until the hot dog eattin contest and the Tour de France. That is why we are having a American Idle contest, so I can determine which one of yous to ride off of to profit.
I watched the hockey game with a norwegan girl at a bar.... she had 3 vodkas I had 2 beers...... gave her a kiss goodnight as she's heading to winnipeg this weekend and I'm off to vegas..... Maybe go out with her when I get back.
channel flipped last night between men's figure skating and the KY/Miss State game.

Stirred the pot at RBS just cause I have a spoon

Made 20Four7 stop loving me.

tonight was a bubble bath and pizza so far

That only happened because you didn't play fair..... I wouldn't say you cheated and I wouldn't fault you for playing it that way against anyone else. Just saying we should avoid doing THAT to each other. Now of course the F'n ND/Louisville goes into OT and ruins my under.

Now Memphis goes into OT with the Raps how much you want to bet my $800 Memphis bet goes down here.... OT doesn't like 20four7.