Hooligans Sportsbook

Your Most Prized Possession In Your Will

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Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
If you died today, what would it be?

Who would you give it to?

Don't answer $$.

This is going to sound sad, but I have absolutely nothing worthwhile to give anyone.

Not even kidding.

I have stuff, but nothing of value. My life is full of useless stuff.

Fok, I need a drink.
except for my dogs, which are my most valuable possessions, it all basically goes to my brother right now...keep it simple... the little viet gets the dogs.(although its not in writing, its understood)
Cami can have my POS truck the big screen and my ata ballz, she loves them and can have them brassed so she can always keep them, as well as the rest of my worthlessness. She needs to bury the dual monitor set up/computer with me though. I'm keepin that shit.