Serve and protect right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurry up and drop the puck then so we can get arrested for carrying hockey sticks
When asked if agent provocateurs would be used at the summits, Constable George Tucker, a member of the G20 planning team responsible for Public Affairs, Communications & Corporate Relations, responded, "I'm not at liberty to discuss security issues in an open format.”
In a telephone interview with the Toronto Media Co-op, Constable Meghan Gray with the Toronto Police Services G20 Planning Team responsible for Public Affairs, Communications & Community Relations, was also asked directly whether agent provocateurs would be used. She replied, "Like [my co-worker], George Tucker, those are operational issues, I can't speak to that."
And when the Vancouver-weekly Georgia Straight asked about the use of agent provocateurs, Corporal Jen Allen of the Integrated Security Unit responded, "We are not in a position to detail a specific operational plan as to how we are going to fulfill that obligation."
This is both outrageous and unacceptable.