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Where you almost aborted?

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Were you almost aborted?

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i believe that my mom had at least a handful of miscarriages after my brother was born...thats why we are 9 yrs. apart... she drank a bit and smoked like a chimney and thats probably why i am a shorty... i was turned in an odd direction inside her, so the ultrasound never showed my little dingdong...they assumed i was a girl and my name was going to be Rosemary...unreal...but no, i wasnt almost aborted
wow what a catch...smu...
um, ive only had 1 real scare in my life and that was when my h.s. gf was about a week late and we for sure were gonna have that thing aborted... thank goodness this was only a scare because i saw her a few years after h.s. and she had put on at least 40lbs and made me puke in my mouth a little to know i had seen the inside of her...
wow what a catch...smu...
um, ive only had 1 real scare in my life and that was when my h.s. gf was about a week late and we for sure were gonna have that thing aborted... thank goodness this was only a scare because i saw her a few years after h.s. and she had put on at least 40lbs and made me puke in my mouth a little to know i had seen the inside of her...

Exactly what I was looking for. Way to endear yourself to your female posters.

yes, not my abortion though

Like Brad Hamilton?
My brother, sister and I were born at tidy little 1.5 year intervals when my parents were just the right age, not too young, not too old. Me in the middle, as planned and cozy as could be.

As for my general thoughts on abortion, I am completely okay with it.
Neptune NJ right next to Wayside NJ.

Googlemaps ftw.

Whens the next Matty song anyway.

Barre chords ftw.

Oh. Who the fok names a city after a Roman God? It's not relevant history.

I never did find the footswitch I needed to record my guitar-loop version of Lux Aeterna.

Am now working on Jaco Pastorius' Portrait of Tracy. On guitar. With a pitch shifter.

I got nothing against barre chords.
I'm OK with abortion, just hope I never have to be involved in one. Weirds me the fuck out.

Not because I shoulda been one...woulda been a happy camper if I was...besides those few minutes of getting my fetus limbs torn from my body, of course.


But yea, so tired of all this traffic.
I am totally into abortions. When I have free time, I go hang out at abortion clinics. Where else can you meet sluts without the fear of consequence for a "mistake?" God put abortion clinics on Earth for a reason. God has a plan, and it's fucking genius.
My mom had two miscarriages before me. My sister and I were both premies. I think I remember overhearing a conversation that my mom did have an abortion but I never asked about it.

I've never had one, but I would have. I have friends that have had three. I think that's pretty gross.