RayRay, hockey was an experiment and so I didn't start out keeping a record. In the begining I was looking for money line dogs and regulation only favs, I was plus money but down in percentage. Then I discovered totals and fortunately when I did was right when they started going under a lot. I have been winning money overall with hockey totals and even a little overall with college basketball.
Yesterday though was a bad day all around. All 3 hockey totals I listed as possible plays lost as did obviously the 1 game I played. The 8 college hoops games I listed as possible plays went 4-4 but the 3 I played all lost so it was a bad day.
RayRay, I'm no pro but I am winning in hockey. I keep it simple. I use ONLY current (10 game) data and I compare that with Pinnacle prices and when I have games that line up across the board I play them. Very basic but working for now. Obviously when teams transition through injuries or trades I will hurt for a bit but then they will even out again. My goal is to play hockey all season and make a little profit. I never play big I just try and survive the week with Blackie's blog money.