Ray, did you ever make a decision on your new watch purchase?
FYI - John Mayer has the green on green Rolex and claims it's his favourite. Apparently he's a watch aficionado. Make what you will of that enlightening info.
on the prowl for the mop face with green bezel..its some limited edition shit and my guy is having trouble finding any that are new in the states...gonna give him time to get with some euro connects before buying a used on...but the wheels have been set in motion... thanks for asking.
shari, swing by rbschat in 15 minutes...i have something to show you ...(no, its not my cok either!)
RayRay, if that smiley represents you then I can only imagine it's a Scareface reference. Like Tony Montana RayRay is one cool mutha who likes to party and possibly could just one day SNAP the fck off. "Say he-low to ma little friend", just please don't stick it in a toilet paper roll and post it here.