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Top Five Reasons Steve Will Get Laid On His Date

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Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
Quick post for Steve. Knock Em Dead Boss!!

1. Even though he may be a little heavy in the britches, most massage workers like guys with meat on their bones. Nothing bothers massage therapists more than skinny men. It hurts when they knead their back, legs and groin area. Massage girl will salivate when she sees Steve's pre-rotund physique.

2. The man can grow a full out goatee. Cosmopolitan had a survey that said 76% of all women like guys with facial hair. Another 81% said a masculine name on a man turns them on. Considering Steve has both, his chances of getting vagina are 78.5%.

3. After posting on Gamelive as much as he does, Steve will know exactly what NOT to do on the date. He will just do the opposite of what everybody on here has told him.

4. He jerked off to Downs Syndrome Porn earlier, and his penis will not rule his thinking. He pulled a Ben Stiller so he wil bel cool, calm and collected tonight. Chicks dig cool guys.

5. Fuck, if I was a chick, I would bone Steve!!:fok:
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