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This is how I try to get laid, what do you think?

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Jan 27, 2010
Basically what I do is I try to make fast friends with some chick whom I meet in normal ways in life, I friend her on facebook, and then barrage her with months-long pleas to pimp out any and every female friend she has.

It actually ALMOST worked last time, but I was rushed and had to leave where I was, and also, the chick who was referred to me looked a little like Ellen Degeneres. Not that I wouldn't have gone for it and been VERY VERY psyched about it, for sure, especially if she turned out to be one of the "horny" ones, but still, looking at her pic and thinking of Ellen Degeneres made me less likely to try to force the issue.

Anyway, I'm working on this one chick, she's a TV/film chick who went to NYU, in her 20s, so you can imagine what a fertile field her facebook friends list is.

So here you go, this is how I operate! Pray for me boys! LET'S GET THIS ONE BOYS!! Obviously, all names Xed out for discretion.

Between XXX and You

Me June 23 at 11:35am
I've been watching a ton of White Power vids on youtube recently, I thought of you.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children. LOVE IT!!

There is one great one I found, I think narrated by David Duke, it is awesome, I will send it to you if you want. Also saw a documentary on Prussian Blue, it was good.

Also, even better than White Power, is vids on youtube with Tea Partiers. They are AWESOME. I want to make a documentary where I go to Tea Party events all over the country and try to fuck and/or make out with and/or give head to any and all Tea Party chicks I can. Only the oldest and nastiest would be out of consideration, anyone else I would go for hard, I would go up to age 55 or 60, i would go as low as 3s or 3.5s. It would be awesome and hilarious.

You look like you have such an awesome life I feel like I want to be friends with 75% of your friends on facebook. Can I go through your friends on facebook and see if there are any smart female ones who might potentially agree to be my girlfriend, or at the very least, might potentially be willing to kick me a "freebie" the next time I come back to the states, and ask you about them?

Her June 24 at 9:06am
Oh god, Prussian Blue... how sad are they. The white supremacist movement is collectively having a freakout that we'll no longer be a majority white nation by 2050. I'm sure there are a lot of vids reflecting that out on the intertubes.

I like your Tea Party idea. "Tea Bagging the Tea Baggers." Do you listen to Bill Maher? I freakin love the guy, and he gives shit to the TP movement all the time. Wonderful.

As for friends who will give you a 'freebie"... *****k! ... maybe we can start with you just hanging out with everyone next time you're in town :)

Me June 24 at 10:52am
Yes I would love to hang out too, obviously, but M***** I could really use a "freebie", it's way past the point where I can be like "oh I'll just hang out and see what happens".

M***** I could really use a "freebie". Just explain to them that I am an extremely emotionally wounded and fragile person and that they would be doing a good deed, and that basically all they would have to do would be cradle my head and reassure me and tell me they "love me" for a few hours, and then maybe do one or two other quick "fun" things, and really that would be it. If you explain it like that I'm sure someone would go for it. Sell it to them like it would be "fun". Be like "Hey! I have a great fun idea that I think you're gonna like!" or something like that.

Me June 29 at 12:29pm
Oh my God I haven't even taken one look at your friends list and ALREADY I have a creepy obsession just from one pic you posted. Who is A***** M****???? Do you think she would agree to be my GF and tell me she loves me?

Her June 29 at 12:53pm
Sorry dude, she has a BF!

Me July 13 at 2:34pm
Ok I will take E*** P**** D****** then. Don't give me any BS about she has a BF, I already saw she's single on her FB page.

I'm always leery of Mermaid Parade/Burning Man style hipsters, A) because they tend to respond to surface coolness more than internal coolness and B) they tend to have veneral diseases, but she looks like she may be a bit less self-conscious about herself than some.

And she looks like she might also be very understanding of me and my situations in life, and not hold my emotional disabilities against me as a negative.

Ok I will take her, send her down. WHEN IS SHE COMING!! I AM EXCITED ABOUT IT ALREADY!!!!
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i have never been able to make myself do the "numbers game" thing with chicks, even though i wish i could and i know douchey guys who do it and are wildly successful

if i get hooked up with this chick's email or facebook, I will use every salesman tactic I know with her, and MAYBE YOU GUYS CAN HELP ME WITH SALES TACTIC SUGGESTIONS TO SAY TO HER!

I havent even heard back from the NYU chick yet, and even if i do, I will have to use sales tactics just to get her to hook me up with the chick to begin with so we'll see

But i will do my best to get this chick