Why settle for ciao, here are plenty of choices Steve's.
•Godspeed [thanks to sdavis13]
•Talk to you later
•Ta ta for now
•See ya
•May the forces of evil get lost on the way to you front doorstep
•Live long and prosper
•Y'all come back now
•May your teeth never be replaced by freshly ironed wool socks.
•So long
•Bon voyage
•May you never awaken one morning and find yourself with Iranian death camps for hands and Gorbachev's eyelids attached to your feet.
•Kol Tuv
•Peace out
•May your spleen never transform into a solution to the European Union's impending energy crisis and become a battlefield for an upcoming war to end all wars.
•Be well, fellow citizen
•I must take leave of you now
•Do svidanja
•Au revoir
•Hasta la vista
•Fare thee well
•May your mouth never be conquered by a band of marauding Vikings.
•Auf Wiederhren
•Auf Wiedersehen
•Bis dann
•Bis bald
•Bis spter
•May you never have your soul absorbed into the Netherworld by a power-hungry televangelist.
•Bis morgen
•Bis Freitagabend
•Bis nchste Woche
•God be with ye
•Bis zur Konferenz
•Bis irgendwann
•Stay cool, home-brotha
•Tot Ziens
•Later days
•May you never urinate the sweet sweet sounds of 70's disco funk.
•That is all.
•May you never drown in a vat of monkey semen.
•I'm leaving now.
•May the Abu Jabi never bake muffins in your lower intestine.
•daa daa dit daa daa daa daa daa daa daa dit dit daa dit dit dit daa dit daa daa dit
•(*wave flags down and down-right) (*wave flags left and up-left) (*wave flags left and up-left) (*wave flags up and down) (*wave flags left and down) (*wave flags up-left and right) (*wave flags down and up-right)
•No more of you.
•And...I'm out.
•So long, and thanks for all the fish.
•In a while, crocodile!
•Uh, I can hear the voices calling me...see ya (thanks to Merlin)
•Ta-ra (thanks to buddy)
•Cheers (thanks to buddy)
•Fine, then go! (thanks to buddy)
•I'm gone! (thanks to buddy)
•Get lost (thanks to Merlin)
•Na-na-naa-na, hey hey hey, Goodbye! (thanks to grandpa_chum)
•Pasta-and-bagels (thanks to buddy)
•All-feet-are-the-same (thanks to buddy)
•Olive-oil (thanks to buddy)
•Aavjo (thanks to Merlin)
•Shalom, y'all! (Thanks to Merlin, and of course, lbangs)
•Hallo (thanks to Buddy)
•Later, gator! (thanks to Buddy)
•If I don't return, avenge my death! (thanks to Buddy/Homer)
•This is me. And this is the back of me. (Thanks to Buddy)
•Tutloo (thanks to Merlin)
•Chevio (thanks to Merlin)
•Pip Pip (thanks to Merlin)
•See ya later, alligator (thanks to 0dysseus)
•Not now, brown cow (thanks to 0dysseus)
•'Til then, penguin (thanks to 0dysseus)
•Hasta maana, iguana (thanks to 0dysseus)
•You stay classy [insert city name here].
•Tallyhoo! (thanks to Merlin)
•Timeout for now Houston (thanks to Merlin)
•Keep it between the lines... (Thanks to Stumpy)
•Keep it between the lines...and dirty side down (Thanks to Rosiecotton)
•Dasvedania (thanks to Technoman)
•Paka (thanks to Technoman)
•Keep it real (thanks to Technoman)
•May your mother's cousin never be assaulted by Attila the Hun at the supermarket (thanks [in part] to Merlin)
•Hasta luego (thanks to Critico)
•Leb wohl! (Thanks to 1922)
•Mach's gut! (Thanks to 1922)
• voir! (Thanks to 1922)
• bientt! (Thanks to 1922)
•ddi! (Thanks to 1922)
•Avoir! (Thanks to 1922)
•Nos veremos. (Thanks to 1922)
•Vaarwel. (Thanks to 1922)
•Zijin (Thanks to 1922)
•Zdravo (Thanks to 1922)
•Tchau (Thanks to 1922)
•Tootles (Thanks to Chicolette)
•At logo (thanks to joaomiguel)
•Hasta la pasta (thanks to joaomiguel)
•Valle! (thanks to joaomiguel)
•Min, min! (thanks to joaomiguel)
•Xau (thanks to joaomiguel)
•Beijinhos (thanks to joaomiguel)
•V (thanks to joaomiguel)
•Abrao (thanks to joaomiguel)
•Fica bem (thanks to joaomiguel)
•At amanh (thanks to joaomiguel)
•May bad luck always be at your heels, but never catch you (thanks to sdavis13)
•Xi chien (thanks to sdavis13)
•TTYL (thanks to sdavis13)
•C U L8R (thanks to sdavis13)
•chao (thanks to sdavis13)
•adichao (thanks to sdavis13)
•Inabit, inabizzle. (thanks to Hypnotic)
•Don't let the back door hit ya where the good Lord split ya (thanks to goodbye)
•May your feet never fall off and grow back as cactuses (thanks to goodbye)
•Moi (thanks to d91)