Hooligans Sportsbook

SuperBowl Props


Double Post King
Feb 4, 2010
I probably shouldn't post this, but why does ShitBetting have this line up

Super Bowl XLV - Who will win the Super Bowl XLV Coin Toss?
02/06/2011 103 Pittsburgh Steelers
+103 OFF OFF

17:45 ET Green Bay Packers
+103 OFF OFF

It's labeled 'GUARANTEED WIN COIN TOSS" and have been doing it for years, no worries posting...they are only giving away a max of $4.5 per user.

what's the best way to find out limit bets? I'm scared to use my money, but would appreciate a method to figure out how serious I should take some offmarket props.
what's the best way to find out limit bets? I'm scared to use my money, but would appreciate a method to figure out how serious I should take some offmarket props.

put '99999' into the bet box then press 'place bet' to bring up the ticket. it will tell you you are over the limit and what it is above the ticket.
put '99999' into the bet box then press 'place bet' to bring up the ticket. it will tell you you are over the limit and what it is above the ticket.

there aren't any books that will take that number and decide to round down to your avail balance and bet that amount for you instead of the 999999 you put in?