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Stevie, have you ever gone to Punxy for groundhog day?

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SP Nation and I Ruin things
Jan 27, 2010
it can't be too far for you. I went twice in college, it was a pretty fun all night party.

I might watch the movie groundhog day, today

here's the report on phil

PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. The country's most famous groundhog predicted an early spring Wednesday but wasn't willing to go out on a limb to forecast whether his state's Pittsburgh Steelers will win the Super Bowl.
Punxsutawney Phil emerged just after dawn on Groundhog Day to make his 125th annual weather forecast in front of a smaller-than-usual crowd in rural Pennsylvania who braved muddy, icy conditions to hear his handlers reveal that he had not seen his shadow.
Including Wednesday's forecast, Phil has seen his shadow 98 times and hasn't seen it just 16 times since 1887, according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club's Inner Circle, which runs the event. There are no records for the remaining years, though the group has never failed to issue a forecast.
Two years ago, Phil's forecast also acknowledged the Steelers' Super Bowl XLIII win the night before. This year, Sunday's game was mentioned in the forecast but no winner was predicted between the Steelers and the Green Bay Packers, who meet in Dallas for Super Bowl XLV.
"The Steelers are going to the Super Bowl," Mike Johnson, vice president of the Inner Circle, said just before the forecast was read, drawing cheers from the clearly partisan crowd gathered on Gobbler's Knob, a tiny hill in this borough of about 6,100 residents some 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.
The Groundhog Day celebration is rooted in a German superstition that says if a hibernating animal casts a shadow on Feb. 2, the Christian holiday of Candlemas, winter will last another six weeks. If no shadow was seen, legend said spring would come early.
In reality, Pennsylvania's prophetic rodent doesn't see much of anything. The result is actually decided in advance by 14 members of the Inner Circle, who don tuxedos and top hats for the event.
The celebration usually draws 10,000 to 15,000 spectators when it falls on a weekday, Groundhog club spokesman Luke Webber said. The area was under a winter weather warning and while heavier snows and sleet never materialized, rain falling in about 35-degree temperatures made for a below-average crowd, said Webber, who offered no specific estimate.
The guy has had enough! Stay off my fuking property!

Good question man. No I have not, everyone is so packed in rom how it look, and I hate being in places like that. I did hear that the drinking is quite good there. i have eaten at Punxy Phil's many times. Outstanding breakfast place, not much else. You been there?

Have you eaten anywhere else in that area?

Good to see Phil came through, I saw this, very cool.
I haven't spent much time in that area. Kittaning somtimes, Latrobe for stillers training camps in the summer.

not sure how far from 80 you are.

but did alot of partying at clarion in the college years and afterwards, the dewdrop inn was one of my favs there.

played alot of basketball in dubois and st. mary's for tournaments. Have a cross-country course record at brookville still

My Cousin owns a moving business in Greensberg, I've been there a few times
I haven't spent much time in that area. Kittaning somtimes, Latrobe for stillers training camps in the summer.

not sure how far from 80 you are.

but did alot of partying at clarion in the college years and afterwards, the dewdrop inn was one of my favs there.

played alot of basketball in dubois and st. mary's for tournaments. Have a cross-country course record at brookville still

My Cousin owns a moving business in Greensberg, I've been there a few times

Cool cool gotcha. Yeah it is a ways out from I-80. I'll have to check out your Brookville record.

Sounds like you have quite a history in BBall. I used to play some in High School before I got into volleyball. Ever heard of the JSBL in Jersey? We used to go to their games a lot, some NBAers would be there periodically.

Funny you mentioned MM girl. I felt like the universe was drawing me towards her today. I had to patch up the pickle situation or at least see where I stood.

As I put in the other post I called and ordered what she thought was a wrap with all the ingredients. Then I said I wanted a Flip. I knew she might snap (in a friendly way) but last we had spoken I was half a bottle deep accusing her of a pickle problem in front of the customers and then my next time in she wouldn't acknowledge me.

Well so I gave her about a week off, maybe 2 I don't know time is really a blur out here sometimes especially when you drink as much as I do. I went in expecting to be ignored further, got my Gatorades and vegetables. Wouldn't you know it she was working the register. I put my items down and said "I had an order for pickup" and she blurted out "I shoulda known it was YOU". I just said how have you been in the cold and she said I don't go out in the cold so I said then how the hell do you get from that door to your car and she got flustered and said I run and started to blush. Oh yes, the confidence was back, I once again had hand. I then got out my lottery ticket and she told me I lost and I said that's Ok I'm sure my landlord will understand why I cannot make rent again and she said yeah right. I said because I have a history of lying to you? She said if I believed that shit, I would die I don't believe anything you say and glared at me a little. Was it because of when I passed her my phone # twice while I was out within hearing distance of her good friend smoking out there and listening to me as I was talking dirty to Trashy Tris all those nights? Or was she just BSing? I assumed the latter. Because to assume the former would be insane. Then she got my food and she went pro on me. She went and got my food as I watched her cute little Mm tookus that I want to munch on so bad (which she knows because I got drunk and told her) and came back. She handed me the 1/2 a Flip in a box and the Wings and waited for me to politely say "have a good night" as I always do. Then out from behind her back she pulled out the tiny thing of Blue Cheese I has asked for with the wings and burst out laughing at me and kept laughing until I just walked out. It was such an excercise in exchange in leveredge that for a second I felt like I was in a Dungeon where I was first the master who had her on all fours as I took her form behind then suddenly I was on my back face up as she was suffocating me with her tookus.

I loved every second and I know looking back she was thinking exactly the same kind of thoughts as me and I'm shocked that place didn't actually blow up from the hormonal rage we exchanged.

Sigh Mm girl :love: I missed you baby

In 3 days I am back and am again waiting for you to start with me.

I knew you missed me.
oh wow, its back on with mini-mart girl no doubt.

the ball is in your hands, and in your corner, and in you testosterone laiden balls.

its just up to you to blow some heavy spunk in her face at this point.... hypothetically and in reality
Yeah man the time off did her good no doubt she was used to a good thing being around and had to deal with loss some. After all Dollar General has then beaten price wise across the board and I do enjoy the walking distance to it, but what they don't have is Minimart girl.

I think I'll hit her up Friday evening - this time without 1/2 a bottle in me.

The play - bring 1 big pickle to the register and with a straight face look at it then her and wait for reaction.