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Steve K New poker thread

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Cool story bruh
Oct 30, 2019
I took a brief look, couldn't find the old stevek poker thread, so I'll put everything in here. Wanted to not clog random thoughts anymore with poker talk.

So, a few things.

I have run into something that is standard issue in today's poker world (especially post Black Friday) - old school somewhat successful low stakes live poker player runs into the new school internet players with all their weird tricks.

I have run into the weirdest shit man. This one guy, a reg at 2/5 and 5/10 shoves all in on me with 89 suited on a board that was not his suit and had nothing to do with 89 at all. I have AQ of heart on an Ace high board with two hearts so I call and win a $1,300 pot. No, I don't still have that money because of variance combined with other factors. Anyway, so later in that session I ask another 2/5 player what he had on a board where I had a big ace, and he told me he had a set, so the player I just mentioned says "Steve's a nit, don't tell him what you had". I mellow him out by joking him and asking him what he was thinking and he says "I just really wanted that one". Obviously this tells us a few things - he is rolled very deep, and he hates nits because long term he loses to them, even though I'm sure he takes them off quite a few decent hands - I almost folded there. Shoving over a nit (which I am not a complete nit, but I am pretty tight) is not recommended, but he put me on the draw I guess and went with his read.

He was partially right.

So I THOUGHT I was a great low level full ring player because of my somewhat successful times at the tables in Philly and Cleveland. I'm ok, good at trapping the bad players but I can be run over because of my nitty tendencies and I'm mostly a setminer. I wouldn't say ABC because of all my experience and my decent reads, and I'm smart enough to play nights when the drunks/wild players are out there, but not that far beyond ABC.

As far as internet playing I've identified that my only area is only sitting with the absolute worst fish I can find. Not one of these guys playing a little wild but is smart enough to not pay me off (most players), but only the ones that will pay me regardless. I have two do that at 1/2, 2/5 and 5/10 and I've identified my only area of opportunity on Starspa as being watching for them on the site and only sitting with them....and keeping my eyes peeled for specific players that fall into that criteria. That I will continue to do.

Aside from that I want to be better at both. I have no desire to be the best, a tourney player or any of that, just a rock solid player that plays full time for a job but doesn't have to grind himself into the ground (which I did before and had no clue how to handle variance).

As cool as it was to have people here encourage me to go to Vegas, I've been doing a good bit of reading up on it and have ruled it out for a few reasons. First off, the games often from what I've read from Andrew Neeme and others aren't that good (even at 1/2 and 1/3) because there's just a lot of full time players there grinding it out. Second, the Vegas regs would very likely decide to angleshoot (when you pick on a player to try to get under his skin) a wannabe Vegas reg from Philly - and when I played as a reg in Chester the trashy old daytime grinders there would do that, which I really hated. I literally had to hold back from punching a couple of them in the face, and I know Vegas would likely be worse at times. We also have the concerns about crime in respect to where a guy like me can and can't afford to live there, and what's kind of funny but not funny is I'd be an easy target for a trick roller for a few reasons we don't need to discuss, lol.

Here and in Cleveland staff and most players know me and like me. The regs won't pay me off on my big hands sure, but plenty of non regs around.

So while mostly not playing right now, how do I get better at both versions of poker (which are SO much different, it's not even funny). I looked into Doug Polk's stuff and he wants $999 for his latest course taught by a guy who crushes mid to high stakes internet games. I'm sure it's awesome, but yeah that's out of my price range lol.

What other reading should I look into to improve first and foremost on the net? These are things I'm exploring without spending a ton of cash.

I analyze hands and looks for leaks (aka my mistake log that I always kept live - actually a pro move) - but often in the heat of the moment don't make an adjustment based on what I've learned, which is just stupid. I do WANT the internet climate to work because you can take that anywhere and you don't have to deal with trashy shit from live anglers, but I am just not good with the exception of targeting the worst fish. So, how can I make that work is where I'm at. I am committed, but the swings are absolutely ridiculous even when specifically sitting with the targeted fish, and I'm not going broke doing it.

Live is the backup plan, just the commutes suck since me and the law had a couple misunderstandings about drinking and driving, and I just can't drink when doing it (oops).

So, that's my status. I'll put the ridiculous hands with the specific fish, etc. in here and other updates and I always appreciate any insight on hands, how I can improve, etc.

I did buy and read this about a week ago (got my money back because it was missing a bunch of pages, lol) - saw it on the facebook of a friend of a friend that is very successful playing, and used to stake me for low level sit and gos.

Solid read. I like that he said play nights and that he takes a break and goes for a long walk every few hours when playing live - and to not burn yourself out.
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If all these guys have valuable information, they should shut up about it. They are just cashing in on making things tougher for others.
if their info is useless then its just scamming the customer.
...But I guess you can't expect a poker player to be classy :dunno:
Haha so true and agreed on most of them being scammers.

Some of the vloggers are cool though, love me some Neeme (like everyone else).

I've met deeply cool poker players I've made good friends with and others I just want to take into the parking lot and punch right in the face, and I'm no tough guy. I'm not saying I'm always classy as I have that Tosh like sense of humor we all know about, but you have to respect each other man. You angle, you collude, you cheat? Please die.

Just bought this, the reviews said it's good and geared more towards online play:

Marked down to $7.99 lol.
Nice one here.

I opened with KJ off because I've been working on expanding my range at 6 handed, especially at 2.5/5 and higher - especially in late position - because many of the regs at that level play like that there, plus all the regs have me labeled as a nit so there is fold equity to take advantage of in certain spots. Position on a fish was more motivation.

He reraises preflop, a nice play - but I have him labeled as a fish and it's not that much money so I make the call.

I flop top pair on a very wet board, so I bet out to defend it. He shoves all in which I get loving his preflop premium hand and what he sees as fold equity from me being a nit.

Since I have him labeled as a fish (also it's not that much money) I make the call and it holds (for the one time anything has in the past 3 days) putting us up $161.03 on the day.

If it's a reg online shark in that spot? Yup you're losing to KA or better. Or online they have 27 offuit and you win, I don't fucking know.

PokerStars Hand #228374629037: Hold'em No Limit ($2.50/$5.00 USD) - 2021/07/25 14:09:57 ET
Table 'Juewa' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: Fishy0986 ($293.24 in chips)
Seat 2: I.Ogimura ($539.50 in chips)
Seat 4: 69MCKEEHAN69 ($528.92 in chips)
Seat 5: neagranufan17 ($294.89 in chips)
Seat 6: brian8pie ($498.42 in chips)
brian8pie: posts small blind $2.50
Fishy0986: posts big blind $5
sussyouout187: sits out
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to neagranufan17 [Ks Jh]
I.Ogimura: folds
69MCKEEHAN69: folds
neagranufan17: raises $10 to $15
brian8pie: folds
Fishy0986: raises $22.50 to $37.50
neagranufan17: calls $22.50
*** FLOP *** [9c Kc Qd]
Fishy0986: bets $37.25
neagranufan17: raises $37.25 to $74.50
Fishy0986: raises $181.24 to $255.74 and is all-in
neagranufan17: calls $181.24
*** TURN *** [9c Kc Qd] [7h]
*** RIVER *** [9c Kc Qd 7h] [5d]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Fishy0986: shows [Qs Ad] (a pair of Queens)
neagranufan17: shows [Ks Jh] (a pair of Kings)
neagranufan17 collected $585.98 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $588.98 | Rake $3
Board [9c Kc Qd 7h 5d]
Seat 1: Fishy0986 (big blind) showed [Qs Ad] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 2: I.Ogimura folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: 69MCKEEHAN69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: neagranufan17 (button) showed [Ks Jh] and won ($585.98) with a pair of Kings
Seat 6: brian8pie (small blind) folded before Flop

We notate this shit for when we see him around, and we thank him for his donation.


Let's consider that the first profit and loss report in the thread and go from there.
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Hah! Unfortunately that will never happen man, I don't play tournies for real $. Did alright grinding low level sit and gos back in the day but have turned into one of those ring guys that is all about the hourly wage.

You might see me playing juicy ring games when WSOP is in town someday though!
Oh I just meant watching me live stream on Twitch and hang out in chat, not playing haha. They were all online events.

If you haven't read Harrington on Holdem Vol 1 and 2, read those. They are a bit dated at this point but the principles within are fantastic building blocks. Really gets you thinking about the game the right way.

You def don't need to pay for courses. Three excellent free resources:

Jonathan Little training vids
James SplitSuit Sweeney training vids
And Doug Polk hand breakdowns. Dont bother with his training site but his standard YT channel has HUNDREDS of hand breakdowns. Excellent detail.
Couldn't hit the damn board at the beginning but things picked up. We were down about $150 then Queens held and AK hit. I go to take a leak and the fish is cleaned out so end of session. We come out about $20 up on the session putting us up $180.03 since we have adapted to said strategy of only playing when the absolute worst fish are sitting.
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Dave I didn't know you were that into poker! Agreed on Harrington, read both years ago and those as well as Sklansky are in large part the foundation of my game. Funny you mentioned SplitSuit, that's whose ebook I bought yesterday. Hadn't heard of him before.

Have watched a few of Doug's breakdowns and yes the breakdowns are good, ty for the reminder on those.

Gotta check out Twitch as well.

Are you an Andrew Neeme fan? Guy's vlogs are awesome.
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I have a fish at .5/1 so I am seated there.

Did I make a bad call here against a player I don't know anything about?

PokerStars Hand #228418298621: Hold'em No Limit ($0.50/$1.00 USD) - 2021/07/26 23:10:30 ET
Table 'Nuwa' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: eltonjohnsmom ($84.61 in chips)
Seat 2: Notnroht22 ($147.36 in chips)
Seat 3: neagranufan17 ($99.50 in chips)
Seat 4: ErroneousFunk ($183.34 in chips)
Seat 5: MadDog2247 ($151.94 in chips)
Seat 6: HotEuroWife ($118.16 in chips)
MadDog2247: posts small blind $0.50
HotEuroWife: posts big blind $1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to neagranufan17 [4h 4d]
eltonjohnsmom: calls $1
Notnroht22: folds
neagranufan17: calls $1
ErroneousFunk: folds
MadDog2247: folds
HotEuroWife: checks
*** FLOP *** [6c 5c 3d]
HotEuroWife: checks
eltonjohnsmom: checks
neagranufan17: bets $3
HotEuroWife: folds
eltonjohnsmom: calls $3
*** TURN *** [6c 5c 3d] [7s]
eltonjohnsmom: checks
neagranufan17: bets $6
eltonjohnsmom: raises $10.51 to $16.51
neagranufan17: raises $10.51 to $27.02
eltonjohnsmom: raises $53.59 to $80.61 and is all-in
neagranufan17: calls $53.59
*** RIVER *** [6c 5c 3d 7s] [Kh]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
eltonjohnsmom: shows [8s 9s] (a straight, Five to Nine)
neagranufan17: shows [4h 4d] (a straight, Three to Seven)
eltonjohnsmom collected $167.72 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $170.72 | Rake $3
Board [6c 5c 3d 7s Kh]
Seat 1: eltonjohnsmom showed [8s 9s] and won ($167.72) with a straight, Five to Nine
Seat 2: Notnroht22 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: neagranufan17 showed [4h 4d] and lost with a straight, Three to Seven
Seat 4: ErroneousFunk (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: MadDog2247 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: HotEuroWife (big blind) folded on the Flop

I guess I did. It's a thinker but not that much. He took me for a ride and guys at this level know nothing about me.

Nice play dickhead.

Here's what happened here. since I was just playing 2/5 and am catching a buzz I decided "$53.59? Whatever, let's see if he has it."

VERY stupid.

See I can deal with losing ala variance, but losing by making mistakes such as this are what is unacceptable. Why would he not be a shark making a shark play? I just fucking donated.


Let's get the next one.


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