Ok it should be documented exactly whatwent down here. Call it kharma, call it what you will but here is the sequence of events that occurred.
I read your responses and was tring to ABC and laughed pretty hard.
I have my backup computer running simultaneouslywith my work one now for multiple reasons.
It is very, very slow. I thought it would be funny to put the link to Dewey Cox's "Guilty as Charged" video with it in this thread, so I hopped over to youtube exactly as I made a call.
Well the lady picked up and I started pitching her and I tried and tried to get the computer to exit the window or to mute the computer. It was unresponsive. Suddenly Guilty as Charged started blasting and I just kept talking to the lady as though nothing was happening as I did an emergency shut down of the computer.
I do think we will consolidate her mortgages, but at the same time I learned a lot about life and the rhythm of the anal universe.