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Robyn or Moldy

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what's the scoop?

I chased him off SBR, was one of the reasons he was banned. He went toe to toe with me for a while back and forth but I outwitted him and he got more and more frustrated and went off the deep end. I guess he was booking action too which is why Shari permabanned him. Anyway, he is ghosting now under a different name and is too dumb to do it properly and was outed again. A poster made a thread with his name as a title, as well as his linkedin profile, twitter page, place of business, etc. Funnies ensued.
I chased him off SBR, was one of the reasons he was banned. He went toe to toe with me for a while back and forth but I outwitted him and he got more and more frustrated and went off the deep end. I guess he was booking action too which is why Shari permabanned him. Anyway, he is ghosting now under a different name and is too dumb to do it properly and was outed again. A poster made a thread with his name as a title, as well as his linkedin profile, twitter page, place of business, etc. Funnies ensued.

Bateman wasn't booking.

You're confusing him with another poster who has returned with a ghost and is silly enough to be yapping about getting banned for booking. Wiggums and I were talking about the 2nd guy. :)
I have a major issue with internet losers fucking with the lives of other posters. But keep in mind, Bateman probably would have done the same if the situation were reversed. He has crossed many lines over the years, some of which were attacks on me simply because he didn't like my husband. So it's hard for me to feel too bad for him.
Meh....I like Patty only because I met the REAL him. I mean, give me a break.

But as Robyn says, in all my online battles and threats, nobody has hit closer to home than Bateman did. He went the extra miles with the stalkings and threats.

And I can appreciate that talent. I can.

But I sure won't feel sorry for him when he fucks with the wrong guy one day.

He's a big boy. He'll be fine.
Deucey...you were at sbr before me. You DO know they pick and choose which threads stay up that show personal (potentially harmful) information, right?

Not a slam on SBR, but I mean common...don't be a dum dum. SBR mods love when the thorns in their sides get some payback.
Deucey...you were at sbr before me. You DO know they pick and choose which threads stay up that show personal (potentially harmful) information, right?

Not a slam on SBR, but I mean common...don't be a dum dum. SBR mods love when the thorns in their sides get some payback.

Of course. jjgold had my personal picture as his avatar for 2 weeks without my consent. I was a bit upset, not gonna lie.

With that being said, I still don't agree that SBR let that slide for that long. I keep my battles on the forum, when I click the X it all goes away. Personal shit is personal for a reason.