Archie, I never thought I'd say this but I am finding myself oddly attracted to you lately. New hairdo?
My fiancee cuts my hair, we are over-due for a trim. I'm a hot mess.
I manscaped my pubes on sunday night. that makes me carry myself different.
otherwise i'm just bored and drunk more lately. and that of course is recipe for desire for many women these days.
You routinely meet the hottest gambling posters in all the forums, guys like crazylou, vegasdave, dafty, matty, blitty, williebee, reno, pavy, casper, 24-7, ect. so I think this is just a case of out of sight out of mind desire.
case in point. Teela is above avg looking. well above avg in intelligence. which makes her a 9.4 for gambling forum posters.
but because she hasn't been seen in real life too often, they treat her like she is a 9.97
I'm a 5.3