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Post Christmas vent

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Jan 27, 2010
Okay I love my sister. I like my brother-in-law very much. As many people here know, they had a baby 8 weeks ago. It was and is a big deal.

I like the kid a lot. He is cute as hell. Also he is the next generation. He is my parents first grandchild and, since my brother, sister and I are 45, 47 and 49, it did not seem like there would be a next a generation. But there he is. Grandma and gramps are thrilled.

And I'm thrilled too - very happy - don't get me wrong.

I guess my point is, there is only so much you can do with an 8 week old. You can look at him. He either lies on his back occasionally waving his arms and legs, or else someone props him up and he waves his arms and legs. He makes funny faces. He eats and poops. You can gently squeeze his feet and maybe put a finger in his hand so he can squeeze that. You talk to him in a friendly tone. And of course there are always going to be amateur comedians who entertain the crowd by talking to the baby in highly amusing ways like perhaps asking him about his opinion on a political subject. Hahaha! Oh gosh!

Here's the thing though: an 8-week old baby does not entirely sustain a 6 hour visit.

So if I want to ask my mom how things are going with the concert band she plays in, DO NOT interrupt the conversation 20 seconds in to make it about the baby again. We still love the baby but there are other things going on. If I am talking to my dad about a book he is reading, DO NOT keep interrupting to have us look at the baby. The baby is doing the same things he has been doing continuously since I got there.

And a plea to all parents of babies: monitor yourself. Are you repeating the same joke over and over? That was never a good thing before you had baby - and it's still not good. Like it's very cute that you say you have decided to keep the baby - awww. But by the tenth time, the impact is gone.

Pretending the baby is purposely doing a fist bump is cute - and you can do the exploding hand thing - amusing. But after 8 times in a 20-minute span, everyone has seen it and you can move on.

And please - referring to the baby messing his diapers as "making gravy" was not particularly funny the first time - and it was definitely not funny the 18th time.

That is all.
Well Mudcat you have already found out first hand that what a baby does throughout the day is far more important than what adults do as hobbies when there is conversation. Yes the whole world revolves around the baby.
Muddy, I think you, MrsX and Bread are related. You all have similar views on kids and or spending time with them.
Muddy, if you wanted to surpass the newborn in terms of attention, you should have told the family that you were once an SBR mod.
The baby was basically pretty cool but something has happened to the parents. They have gone goofy in the head.

they had a baby 8 weeks ago. It was and is a big deal.

Relax Muddy.....this baby "courting" phase will end when the little fucker is all colicky. There's basically a new "Sheriff in town" and you have to step aside for a bit until you can reclaim your spot as the top dog in the family. It just takes patience and time.

My wife and I (as well as my family and hers) were NEVER once how you described your family members. My parents and her parents were already grandparents so there were none of those annoying moments. Of course our families were thrilled to have another family member added to our families, but they were well behaved when in our home.
Muddy you said it yourself, this baby is like the messiah. It's not as if people in your family are constantly procreating so obviously there is a little more attention heaped on the little cum shot in a diaper. You have to kind of expect that.
you have to step aside for a bit until you can reclaim your spot as the top dog in the family.

I never was the top dog in the family and it is not an ambition of mine. I just want people to have some self-awareness when they are being lame as :fok:

I have a theory and maybe I am way off base here but I believe you can love a baby without being lame as :fok: